When the media pushes the same tired narrative over and over, it becomes believable. Donald Trump and his surrogates lie on TV every day, and it wasn’t until recently that there has been any pushback on behalf of the “journalists.”
When the media pushes the same tired narrative over and over, it becomes believable. Donald Trump and his surrogates lie on TV every day, and it wasn’t until recently that there has been any pushback on behalf of the “journalists.”
Fahrenthold and a select few aside, the media has sole responsibility for the current situation. Giving this human stain the free airtime solely because he boosts ratings and thus increases ad revenue is disgusting. I would hope for a mass seppuku in editorial rooms across the country, but that would require morals…
If Jourdan Lewis had been a more scrappy player, maybe he could have used his natural intelligence to find a way to gut it out
When I was in college, my dad died slowly from cancer, and over the last month of his life, people started to trickle in to say goodbye. He was so doped up on dilaudid, he had no idea. The last two weeks we were turning people away; he was no longer “with it.” Those people, and my father, lost their chance for…
Why don’t the dying have funerals while they are still alive. I’ve always wondered this.
Redacted. Failed to read last sentence.
Outside of football, it’s actually common to get a non-contact ACL. When you start hearing about a gruesome non-contact injury, the only knee injury that makes sense is a dislocation. You’re talking ACL, PCL, posterolateral corner +/- meniscus and cartilage stuff. Hard to come back from. Sean Livingston is the…
Ding ding ding! We have a winner!
Wasn’t trying to be snarky before. I’ve seen them in WI, MI, IL, PA, IN, MA, NY, OH, CA, AZ, NM, to name a few
You think the Confederate flag is limited to the South? You need to get out more. Small Town, USA (North, South, East, and West) always have a few “states rights” folks who proudly display the Stars and Bars. At U of Michigan, saw two in my freshman year dorm, both kids were from Michigan, and used phrases like “I…
The overlap of people upset about “disrespect to our flag” and those who proudly fly the treasonous confederate battle flag is 99+%
The Pats have a persecution complex (which is only partly justified) and Lord help us if they lose a winnable game in the first four.
This guy gets what I mean
I know. As a Bears fan, I love the “WYTS,” even though Drew never includes mine :(
Holy crap, that is what I call cherry picking your data. I’m a pediatric orthopaedist, so I speak from a point of knowledge here.
Come on thin-skinned, butthurt Yinzers, please do not disappoint with your comments....
Moved there from elsewhere. Stayed 4.5 years. Indiana was my first red state. Mitch Daniels was relatively harmless, people from both sides seemed to like him. Mike Pence is a zealot that looks harmless, and that’s exactly what makes him so dangerous.
As a former Hoosier, I just want to say, “Fuck Mike Pence.” He is not worthy of your sympathy or pity. I want him fully aware of every horrible moment of the next ten weeks, so that the PTSD haunts him for life.