Go Pats*
Go Pats*
Hoping for more meditations on the nature of goat fucking.
“Hey Herb, whaddya reckon’d be the most blatantly evil thing Konami could do with Metal Gear?”
I feel that this will either make them super confident or crush their self-esteem like a leaf under a boot.
4 key isn’t frying pan.
I made this mistake too last time I was in Japan. You need to make sure that they’re not just giving you Wagyu steel and calling it Kobe.
Yeah, I think Trump dunking on Bannon in front of basically every American on social media might have had something to do with it too...
As long as I can get the voice of my self-driving car to sound like Short Round from Indiana Jones, I’m willing to wait.
This is just...bad.
OK, but this time they screwed themselves via the re-tooled weapon system. D1 let you have (broadly speaking) three styles of play with your character: your primary for general engagement, special for short/long distances, and heavy as its own special sort of “super” for when you get the ammo. Variety! Hooray!
“Mike, we need that design.”
What a blooper.
Very interested to see how it performs technically.
Dark Souls remastered
The Chik-fil-a thing was more like a statement against making lunch a political issue.
CD Projekt Red’s about to make you its bitch.