
Again though it comes down to how good your ISP is, its one thing to play a game that uses P2P like Cuphead its a whole different beast when you are streaming an entire game from a remote computer.

It’s not an opinion, it’s a fact that you can’t just waltz in and say “Take me in, I don’t like America anymore.”

I propose we have a new phrase for jumping the shark.

>Yes, you can beat a boss if you can spontaneously get better at the game in question. If there is a way to quickly and effortlessly increase your hand-eye coordination and master the timing of a specific set of controller inputs, by all means, use that to achieve victory.

Why does it have to be spontaneous? That’s

If there’s any “blue wave” this midterm, it’s going to be mostly this scenario, even more liberal people replacing (relatively speaking) moderately liberal candidates in areas already a solid lock for the Democrats. You might see a few seats in purple parts of the country flip their way, but the main takeaway isn’t

What a fantastic game. so much effort put into it by its developer. Even though it was unfairly attacked by many dolts.

You people (Witcher 3 haters) need to be exiled to an island somewhere. You can’t be trusted. 

I’ve yet to play Witcher 3 but I think there’s some to be said there. I’ve beaten the core story of Breath of the Wild 2-3 times from start to end.... yet I’ve yet to complete any of the major DLC content.

And I think that’s in part due to the natures of the DLC focusing on adding lateral depths to the game(unlocking a

That’s why I hope the next Zelda game is a proper linear one or The Legend Of Zelda: Here’s 400 Shrines.

Pictured: “The New Guy”

Wow, literally tens upon tens of people there. . . . .

Tis is so fucking stupid

So long as you replace it or assign it’s duties to an existing agency, sure.

Only if you check the “I drink coffee” box though.

More like, thank you for being honest about a complicated issue rather than pretending our side is morally superior and has the perfect solution.

Spot on article, but that title is just racist.

So you’re saying that it is absolutely true that these things are usually true?

Not sure I believe this. Seems like lately it’s been conservative thinking and speech on campuses that’s being repressed, not liberal speech.

excellent strawman