
You can’t enjoy the sweet taste of robot tears without a bit of sadness.

Team Fortress 2 for Bronies? Pass

Team Fortress 2 for Bronies? Pass

Hearing Roadhog’s voice say that word in my head made me chuckle. Should be added to “hook 2.0"

Only on Deadspin will you see writers making fun of Tim Tebow for hitting a game-winning single in a professional league while, at the same time, writing 10,000-word columns lauding a Pakistani team as heroes for getting the shit kicked out of them by such baseball powerhouses as Brazil and Great Britain in the World

Looks like an old, Asian Geralt to me.

Sex--or at least losing your V-card--seems to be one of those “you only want it if you don’t have it” situations. This isn’t the first Dr. Nerdlove where the response has been “big fuckin’ whoop, stop fretting about it” but, as someone in the same situation (yet older), anytime I think about dating or relationships

That smell doesnt work on women. But man can it attract the local wolves.


Let’s not pretend supporting Hillary is a noble act here, buddy

As if the gorilla community hadn’t suffered enough already this year.

You know what they say, take a shot for Harambe he took one for you

Me too. at first, I thought that’s what everyone was talking about lol

Thank you, ever since I first heard of Harambe I thought of this episode.

You’ll still be able to use wireless accessories, or purchase an optional lightning port adapter for the low, low price of $69.99!

Those deals are actually terrible.

Those deals are actually terrible.

The C5 is known as a “bottom breather”. The intake is positioned down low in front. The intake on a Civic is positioned above the engine near the hood.

Now playing

I wouldn’t really call it a fight... went more like this

I mean, yeah, if you ignore the multitudes of other games not about winning, then sure NMS is now the game the game that finally proved that.

Most of them seem fine, but this one really does not fit: