
The fact that she cannot do burst damage the same way as Hanzo or Widowmaker speaks to her age

Could we just stop giving these fools attention please?

Why the hell is that not an emote? Hell, I’d drop some cash if they want to make it a premium one, too.

Typically when Ive played against Yogg decks they drop him on an empty board when they are losing, most of the spells fizzle, he lightning bolts my face, fireballs the owners face and then deadly shots himself.

Counterpoint: PKs is fine.


Happy Father’s day Joel!

Nintendo really needs to blow people out of the water with NX and stop with the gimmicks, they got lucky with the Wii.

They took the sign too literally

Agreed everything so far has either been terrible or just meh. This looks good. Everything else I’ve just been indifferent to other than the one mission in Dishonored 2 (the time swap one).

totaly agree !

Same! Had a smile on me the whole time, and I’m not even a South Park fan!


I'm hoping for another Mr. Caffeine, personally.

I hope so. Giant enemy crab did more for me than all of the others combined. It still makes me laugh when i’m feeling down.

I know, right? And check out the graphics! Those people look almost real! Amazing skin textures!

Oh god the cultural Marxists are starting to pollute Japan too.

This was due to an unprecedented legal assault financed in secret by Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel.

Its because Gawker has to make up for all the money they are going to lose when they have to pay out Hulk Hogan.

haha, oh man. It would’ve been atrocious, but I would’ve guiltily loved to see it twenty years later, Nathan Drake has to go into witness protection from Nadine, changes his name to Joel...