
shes like the jeremy renner of women

Sounds like Franzen. He can spend pages on describing some fucking lint on his shirt. (that’s a made-up example)

Will there be a trip through the East coast area where the white guy meets zany characters? Including a wise man of color? Does he bed a free spirited woman who teaches him something about his life? Will he come back to his roots at the end and understand himself a bit better and speak of the skies and the end of

How much do you guys wanna pay me to write a Jonathan Franzen novel? It’s about a dissatisfied upper-middle-class white genius who doesn’t feel challenged by his wife. But it’s really about, like, America.

Where were all of you when I had to read Freedom for my stupid book club and everyone loved it??

Equivalent to that kid in every school who will swallow a cup of other kids’ blended spit for a few bucks at lunch time.

I just refuse to comply. My curls are gorgrous and everyone else is just jealous

WOW - did you guys watch the video where they stitch the hair crown?! That woman has incredible, beautiful curly hair! Just like in Brave, but for realsies. I’m growing my pixie cut out and am at about bob length, and gaaaaaawwwwwd I miss having long hair now :’( But I’m at that stage where I also miss my oh so cute

I will never understand the decision to name a child Spurgeon. These people make a shitload of poor choices, but this might take the cake.

In the documentary A Place at the Table. They discuss the many problems associated with eating healthy.

Well, if Rick Scott is gonna be the VP nominee, we’re going to need some adjectives for him. I’ll start:

“Oh, that’s bad.”

Crumb, it’s too late to edit. I would add, too, my only experience of sexism in my new career has been that our administrative assistants have seemed to regard me as co-assistants. One scolded me for not helping serve birthday cake (all the guys were sitting at the table, so I went to join them), and another

Woman software dev here. I’d tell her not to rule out her passion, but to be know she’ll have to be more careful finding a good fit to avoid being mistreated. It took me a year out of college to get a position I felt safe accepting, and every day I take time to be thankful I protected myself. I get to go do cool work

I’m not an engineer, but I work for a large architecture/engineering firm with both mechanical and electrical engineers. I will say that my office is definitely not a boys club. We make a concerted effort to hire women and minorities, and because architecture/design has a slightly better ratio of men:women than

I’m an electrical engineer (math BA) currently working for the government. While my coworkers are almost all male, they are good men, who don’t treat me any differently because I am female. It’s possible to find a good fit as a woman in STEM, and I hope that for your daughter.

These gender issues are present in many fields - so fear of sexism should NOT preclude any career. If she wants to be an engineer she should do it! Plus, one of the best things any of us can do for ourselves is to have expertise and ability that society needs and will pay for (like mech. engineering).

Be as unattractive as possible!

Not an engineer, but friends with a lot of them - I would encourage her to look for friends in the science departments! It’s a good place to vent to like-minded women if her own department turns out to be especially male-dominated and bro-y. Otherwise, excellence is its own argument. Work hard, keep your head down,

A pet bear. A hungry pet bear who doesn’t like sudden movements or inappropriate emails.