
Friends and relatives think I’m crazy because I’ve always wrapped my gifts in newspapers and junk mail. What’s crazy is spending 5 bucks on something I’m literally going to tear apart and throw away! At least toilet paper has a practical application.

The word for that is “trash”

Stuffing. Dressing goes on a salad.
End of discussion 

Here is to many more years of making me hungry with the great content. Now its time to sous vide a casserole in celebration.  

Thanks to working in retail through highschool and college, its always to early. 

It seems like everything in life is shitty and depressing. This however (outside of her falling) is not. Thanks.

Wiggins, ok he is butt. But Tyus Jones is not butt. 

Your defense of liverwurst isn’t helping. 

Fuck Mark Walhberg.

I can tell you from experience that Candy Corn tastes like a sugared glue stick.

Point: Nuts belong in cookies. They add a delicious crunch and texture. Added bonus they help separate the weak from the strong.

You sound like a snob to put it as nicely as maximally possible

At least Minnesota has Prince. The whitest state is Montana. 

I kind of expected this article to be blank. 

Actually its fine


Here I was hoping for some advice to get me to genuinely smile for a photograph. Fart sounds would probably do the trick though.

I was musing over some kind of non-tuna, fish based casserole. British seems like a popular choice so fish n’ chips casserole.

Maybe gyro casserole?

I never thought the day would come when I wanted to try blended liver. But I’ll be dammed, now I want to try some blended liver.

I never thought the day would come when I wanted to try blended liver. But I’ll be dammed, now I want to try some blended liver.