
Haddish is probably the first host on SNL that I had literally never heard of or seen in my life. This is a show that has the biggest stars in the world host it. I think it was just odd to have someone come out that may as well have been my neighbour.

the year’s second highest grossing comedy is Baywatch. Get Out and Hidden Figures did just fine and everyone knows the stars of those.

I think it’s great that we as the audience acknowledge and talk about it, but I still don’t understand how the developers were supposed to weave in a history lesson into a side scrolling action game. I suppose they could have front-loaded the experience with a page full of text explaining the racism behind the visuals

What show were you watching?

Dumb article that only exists for a click, which in turn references a dumb essay that itself only exists for a click.

“Hey guys, some people used this art/historical moment/idea for racist/sexist/etc. purposes, and it is wrong wrong wrong to reference the art/historical moment/idea without referencing (read:

“It’s not correct if it does not have this.” “But that is frown on by today’s world” “Then it is not TRUE era art.” ...I guess?

I don’t think it’s particularly outlandish for someone, particularly a celebrity who likely had many sexual encounters, to not remember one such event 36ish years ago where there was booze involved.

Sure. But if the incident happened/did not happen 40 years ago, and he does not remember it, what else could he say?

Someone please find a way to make this work on the phone! I keep getting “officers from the IRS” (all Indian) telling me I’m going to jail if I don’t send them money the same day.

There’s actually no evidence that MSG causes any side effects. Seriously, the roots of MSG histaria are mostly in anti-Asian racism. Even if it did cause side effects there are a massive number of foods that naturally contain MSG that you’d have to avoid, including all cheese (except fresh cheese like cottage),

They may have called Hillary Clinton a Turd Sandwich, but they also had their Trump stand-in look right at the audience and tell them to vote for the Turd Sandwich. The message was not “Both sides are equally bad”, it was “both sides are bad but holy shit, guys, are you seriously considering voting for that guy?”.

South Park practically looked right in the camera and begged you not to vote for Trump.

Am I the only one who thinks pulling your dick out as a joke shouldn’t be lumped in with malicious sexual assault?

I’m not particularly defending Woody Allen, but he doesn’t seem to be anywhere close the category of current revelations: there’s no doubt marrying your adoptive step-daughter is creepy as hell, but they’ve been married (seemingly happily) for decades now. While the accusation that he molested his daughter if true

When I get those computer support scammers, credit card scammers, auto warranty scammers, whatever, I like to mess with them. But as soon as they realize I’m not falling for their scam, they always take a really strange tack—they start hitting on me. They tell me they love me and they want a kiss and go into detail

You are such a try-hard dude.

Normal people, particularly normal men, are all, “Yeah, fuck these guys, this is gross.”

Try-hards? SIIIIIGNALLLLIIIIING. Your original post can be translated as such:


Meh. I don’t see any need to apologize for making the distinction between a rumor and an accusation. Past articles and commenters misrepresented what they were and I don’t feel bad for pointing that out.

We all know you’re a lying moron from every post you’ve ever made but go back through my history and find any post where I claimed he was innocent.

There weren’t any anonymous allegations. No one was quoted off the record. There literally was no reason to believe anything in the Gawker article or any of Jezebel’s pieces since until today.

No. Rife was flogging a case that had been confirmed to have been a different comedian entirely. There being completely separate allegations is nothing but her getting lucky, like a cop getting caught planting drugs on a suspect and hoping to get off because because the guy was wanted for shoplifting.