The Otters Knew Alex Was Still Around

Ham and butter sandwiches are definitely A Thing. My grandma used to make them, and “jambon beurre” sandwiches are found in basically every sandwich shop in France.

Awesome! That lady’s a beast. For those who don’t speak climber: “send” means that she climbed the whole way up without resting on the rope or on any piece of gear attached to the rock. She essentially climbed using just her hands and feet with no assistance (though a rope was there for safety). Super impressive.

Not only that but it only takes one little thing on race day to go wrong and you come away with nothing after months of training targeted at that one event.

It’s sad how deep into running you need to be to truly appreciate this sort of effort. Anybody on the couch can say “fuck that’s crazy” but unless you’re on the road 40 miles a week you’re probably not capable of understanding how much everything hurts sometimes. And at 40 miles a week you’re lower than whale shit on

I’m also barefoot under my desk and within my own office. I put my shoes on if I have to venture out of my office. This has been a pretty common thing among my coworkers, male and female, everywhere I’ve worked. It’s not unusual to see someone pull their shoes on under the desk really quickly if they get called away

Reminds me of one of my favorite memes— “look at this bitch eating those crackers like she owns the place”

Counterpoint: all signs point to working in a ‘real office’ as being more or less hell.

Take the money but also support policies that would confiscate that money from you for the general welfare, were they to be enacted.

Solution for the barefoot gremlin? MYOB. Don’t make eye contact with the feet. As in most cases, this “problem” isn’t a big deal.

Counterpoint: fuck shoes. Let her be.

My apologies in advance for the caps

MAGA: Manafort And Gates Arrested

I’m looking forward to any arrest developments.

This is wholly innacurate, you forgot to add incorrect punctuation and at least twice the exclamation marks.

Manafort is a slimy ass fuck who definitely belongs in jail - and I know this is most likely a pressure move from Mueller - but let me just say, if he is the only person who ends up doing time off this I am going to remain pissed off.

God his presidency feel so like Camelot at this point.

Thank you, Rob Giordano, for not fanning the flames of suspicion during this terrible tragedy. Latinos have been some of the hardest hit of all. The shelter closest to where I live is essentially mostly composed of displaced farmworkers. These are the persons who cultivate and harvest the food upon which much of the

Oh fuck you ICE. You assholes bungle detainers all the time and usually get away with it.