
Could I borrow some straw?

Clearly their protests are because they’re sexist assholes and has nothing to do with their concern for their own well being in combat situations.

At first people at Gawker were super jazzed when they thought the attackers were “three white men”. Then it turned out to be a couple brown people. In an attempt to salvage the politicization of a tragedy, the narrative quickly changed to that of an evil man who had brainwashed a poor innocent women into committing a

I tell this to clients and prospective clients all the time. It’s better to do good than it is to invest in “good” companies. Any company in the S&P 500, DJIA, Russell 1000, etc. has some nefarious component to it that would be “socially irresponsible” to invest in. Hell, everyone loves AAPL but no one talks about the

In college, I had a finance professor tell me that “if you have a client who wants to invest in social responsibility, tell them that you’d be breaking the law managing their money that way.”

“Socially responsible” mutual funds have not only underperformed the S&P since their inception but have badly underperformed the

if this bothers you, you might as well pull your money from all companies that are publicly traded.

Well, that escalated quickly

This is a joke, right? It’s laughable. What about Anheuser Busch or Miller Brewing Company? What about GM or Toyota? You Ms. Horn are a misguided blogger, which is an all too common occurrence. There is NOTHING wrong with supporting the aforementioned firearms companies. Go live in France if you believe in that

As of February 2015, so not exactly up-to-date.

I like making money, so I don't mind.

Only Gawker would bitch about people giving away $45 billion of their fortune. I don’t care that it’s their foundation. How do you think the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for started? I went to college on that. This is a great thing what they’re doing. Period.

nah billy you eat shit

Awww that’s cute. Billy is a Madrid hater. haha


I like how the fans are wailing that this move will “bring us DOWN to the middle of the Big Ten.”

You’re misunderstanding the situation.

If you’re going to hire someone who has already coached this team, then why not opt for a hot beef injection of ZOOOOOK!

I always think that these studies hide the ball a little by determining profitability based on just the athletic department and then ignoring the transfer pricing of scholarships / cost of attendance.

Fuck that. This was the best thing that ever happened to this kid, and he was in no way ‘damaged’ to the point of 15 million dollars.

Can we please not make “comparing things that are not blackface to blackface” a thing? I generally support the sentiment of this boycott but that’s just offensive. Don’t try to prop up your own arguments by using shock tactics, it’s like the people that compare everything to hitler. It’s lazy(like the writing in this