
I should’ve been more clear, obviously. I was referring to your comment about the police shooting minorities, despite all the facts following multiple year long investigations showed that the vast majority of people shot by police were armed with deadly weapons.

I was refering to the comment re the police, no argument with the fuck stick gamergaters

It’s so funny because you made the highly educated and successful black man sound like he doesn’t know proper English!

God this is so fucking stupid

lmao you really think they’re protecting him because he used to be a cop? and i’m the idiot? that’s funny

Jezebel: complains frequently about safety of inmates, is also shocked when something is done to protect the inmates.

Fucking Three-6 Mafia has an Oscar, cut it out with this shit already

This is stupid and intentionally misrepresenting what was said. Soldiers do take this attitude, which is why they use deadly force when attacked.

Are you joking? Who gives a fuck what they shoot in practice if they’re incapable of doing it in a game.

yeah right good thing no one has ever accused a famous person of sexual assault and then settled instead of pursuing criminal charges.

fair, i kinda threw that onto the end of an angry post haha

Lmao you know flint is run by democrats right

Far more scumbaggy to breathless write about the banning of DFS when one of your coworkers won 1,000...and teacher’s unions have to show up to protests too.

yeah but they’d get the fuck beaten out them against a well trained man

you are completely missing the point my friend

but was it difficult to write that with his dick in your mouth? lol

Hey Greg remember when you wrote like 20,000 words about Jon Jones right before he got popped for coke, and when he did, said you heard rumors but didn’t feel like you should ask him about it? And then remember when you said that Ronda was going crush Holly? And then when you said Jose Aldo was gonna destroy Connor

if you don’t mind me asking, what kind of progressive betting system did you use? was it like a bet x and if you lost bet 2x type of deal?

please tell me more about how this personally affects you

No, they’re not a human right. They are a right in this country.