Pearl Lester

The one thing I loved was Onslow Beach. All the fossilized shark teeth you could find just there in the sand among the shattered sea shells. Wilmington was fun, but it was also money I didn’t have at the time, and really moving away was good for my soul.

I hated it because of Jacksonville. What a sad, disgusting little town full of stripper joints, tattoo parlors, and pawn shops. That and I hate swamps and Camp Lejeune is mostly swamp.

I spent a few years living in Camp Lejeune.

I never experienced anything like that there, or in 29 Palms. Marines never tolerated racial bigotry, simple stuff could get you in trouble. I served before DADT and there was at least one gay marine in my squad who was treated as an equal and never bothered. He wasn't "out" but he certainly wasn't shy about who he

The most ironic part is that over sixty Pulse customers were saved by the club bouncer, former Marine named Imran Yousuf.

Closeted homosexuals have problems with people who are “out” and enjoying life. Obviously this Marine is closeted and having a hard time accepting it.

As my new fav podca hosts would say: stay sexy don’t get murdered!

Attention whores.

I don’t disagree with what you’re saying, but this is a very public embarrassment. The Corps doesn’t tolerate those from the lower ranks.

We’re inherently terrible?

Well this particular lunkhead looks like a total asshole just by nature.

Been stationed there and unfortunately among all the service branches the culture of the Marine Corps tends to be the least, shall we say, progressive? The Commandant of the Marine Corps (Conway) was the most vocal opponent of the repeal of DADT and open integration of gay service members, right now their brass are

You as well. <3

I think a bunch of people who get sent to Pendleton are from smaller, fairly religious counties/communities and that they are young, dumb, racist and have been listening to Homophobic Tea Party Uncle for years.

Because we never get over the urge to stack blocks. If they ever start printing letters on them we’re toast.

I used to shop at that target when I lived there:) man I miss the twin cities

That is weird. He mentions Target in his raps on a couple occasions, but Minnesota is the last place I’d expect him to pop up.

Is the emoji Tyler is using a puckered butthole?

I. Literally. Do not.

How big is her bag that she can fit a whole Jew in it? One with a paper, no less.