Pearl Lester

Dude. Fuck “lol”, I just roared with laughter.

The fuck did I just watch?

which one is Kanye?

Also, Kim looks more and more like a gelfling.

I know. Truly I have nothing but love for all of you (especially you)

Wearing pants and button up shirts. Short hair. Not wearing makeup.

Straight, white lady privilege talk.

You know, looking like a dude. Wearing pants and button up shirts. Short hair. Not wearing makeup.

Looking masculine? What does that even mean?

I love Adele. I am in a Adelehouse

I love that their are two completely different gifs posted of Adele putting her middle fingers up. That woman is just great.

Adele might not sing songs he likes but girl can sing. I heard the tapes where it’s just her voice and it sounds so strong. There are a number of singers who use things to alter their voice only she’s not one of them.

NPH as Bat Boy?

that man is an idiot.

Bingo. Kit Harrington knows nothing about sexism. Because he is NOT experiencing it.

I think we can excuse a little hyperbolic exasperation in the face of such deeply clueless privileged opinions. Dealing with men day in and day out who think their experiences are remotely equivalent to women’s experiences is exhausting, and it wears down a person’s energy for tact and diplomacy. Ideally, I perhaps

He is on a show where most of the time he is clothed and women on the show are naked. There are tons of female actresses on the show that don’t have lines and are naked for a whole scene.

Here’s an idea. Don’t confuse objectification and sexism.