L-R: Unknown Replacement Go-Go (should be Kathy Valentine), Gina Schock, Belinda Carlisle, Jane Wiedlin, and Charlotte Caffey.
If they had been boys, they would be Ramones-level legends.
L-R: Unknown Replacement Go-Go (should be Kathy Valentine), Gina Schock, Belinda Carlisle, Jane Wiedlin, and Charlotte Caffey.
If they had been boys, they would be Ramones-level legends.
This is the only kind of lipstick kids should be wearing. The kind where they silently steal it from your handbag when you’re trying to pick some cider at the bottle shop.
Not Michelle Shocked! Jane Weidlin. I'm old and saw them in concert in 1983
Between this, the Florence video and GoT, my face is a fucking mess right now.
I’ve just gotten into this show as I have an unjustifiable dislike for Patrick Dempsey. I know that lot of people are sick of it but I love it and hope that it sticks around for a few more years. A part of me wants to go back and start from the beginning but I just don’t like that dude.
I loved the eighties. Of course being young and free and horny might bavw had something to do with it. Still love to crank the Go-Go’s in the car. Perfect summer driving music!
Dude. Michelle Shocked is someone else entirely. Awesome, leftie folk singer turned creepy, homophobic weirdo.
Dunno either, but know Shocked wasn’t a GO-GO.
I’m just gonna be honest and admit I don’t know who the different members of the go go’s are, but that chick with the blue hair has awesome style and looks amazing. I want to be her. That is all.
Head over heels for that color!
Me too!
I covet that cotton candy hair color.
Chris Brown continues to be the literal worst. It’s a tutu and leg warmers, dude. Check your head.
If he’s that worried he needs to grow the fuck up and talk to his baby mama like a fucking adult.
There isn’t a team Bernie “type”. Shailene Woodley is as far away from me as possible- black, meat loving, thinks crystal magic is bullshit, openly feminist/womanist, can’t stand Shailene Woodley, etc- but I’m a Bernie Sanders supporter. It’s annoying as fuck when Hillary supporters just dismiss us, especially since I…
The mother of his child had a good response, I thought.
The person who is against feminism and thinks it’s important to sunbathe her vagina?
It takes a village.
This is a topic of conversation a few of our Facebook “friends” have been having lately.
Because the Sunday Dirt Bag seems the most appropriate place for it; here’s Kate Upton & Justin Verlander feeding penguins at the Detroit Zoo