Pearl Lester

Got busted down to private, fined 8 grand for conduct unbecoming, but allowed to retire with full bennies. But before that, while awaiting trial, they put me in a different occupation. And to keep him from other women Marines, they put him in charge of that different occupation.

THISSSSS! I got someone put in the brig and my lawyers found out that this high ranking non-commissioned officer had been abusing women before I was born. Women my mother’s age were flown in to testify.

Milk, Milk Lemonade remix with Amy Schumer? Amy likes being flanked by big bootied black women, so...

Now picture his new tattoo on the back of his neck....


Stop it!

Transgender actor to play the transgender character, please. Just spitballing here...

And he’s SUCH a suburban ass wanksta! Geez. It’s embarrassing. The Jacksons Next Generation have more street cred in Calabasas than this fool.

Holy shit! I thought this was a SECOND prank. wtf?


Be careful. There are folks who will be swearing up and down that this dude is the most feminist, progressive, “gets-it” guy evah! Until you start pasting his tweets into a compendium of asshole.

“I’m having myself expelled for making micro-aggressions against myself in my safe space.”

That movie holds up SO WELL. Just showed it during a gender unit in my class. Amanda Bynes has (had) some of the best comedic chops of any young actress I’ve seen.

I shop at Anthro and I ain’t got a bit of shame about it. I thrift, also, but sometimes you want something that is shabby chic, but sized to your ACTUAL body and in a trendy au courant color and you don’t feel like trying your luck out at Goodwill or settling for the J.Crew ensemble that every other basic bish in your

Matt’s white and Anthony Morales, despite the name, is white appearing. And it’s quite obvious he’s doing the tried and true method of earning entry and all due privileges into the hallowed club of Whiteness with his swastika shit. Hope it feels good. Bet Kafker’s parents wouldn’t let Morales marry his sister, tho.

I like the way she owns her toddler/siren looks. She was like, “Fuck it. If you can’t beat it...” It will serve her in good stead as her career progresses.

Beautiful eyes on the baby. Let him go play in some dirt please.


I think she’s playing into the “white girls need to stop trying to cover rihanna’s Werk” thing that’s been going on. Very clever.

“Donald Trump is street. John Boehner has a hood pass. I KNOW David Duke is down. And Cliven Bundy is invited to the cookout!” — Stacey Dash.