This is the best thing since sliced bread.
This is the best thing since sliced bread.
Vile, despicable tactics and actions like that are exactly why people hate the RIAA.
“And they don’t trust us to buy games anymore, that’s why we have DRM (ineffectual as it may be).”
Being a parent is usually expensive, but it looks like Darth Vader got the five finger discount.
Well, even at $5 I have to carefully consider a purchase. Money is tight for me, and with the Summer Sale right around the corner that could be one or two games worth of purchases right there (or more), or make the difference in whether I can snag a good deal on a more expensive game or not, etc. Gotta make sure I get…
Wow, that’s pretty messed up. Thanks for letting us know, at least, because I was actually considering looking to get Spore if it went on sale during this upcoming summer sale, but not anymore. Losing online functionality is a 100% deal breaker to me. >:(
You brought the joy of laughter into my heart. Good job, sir. :)
EA has no incentive to hire modders AT ALL; they’ve already proven with Sims 4 that they can just crap out a half-assed broken and under-developed iteration in the series, and that modders are all too ready and willing to implement all the things that should’ve been there from the start. EA is fully aware of this, and…
I have to say that when it comes to a news story about a Japanese company teaching a robot to perform specific humanoid motions with its arm......this is not what I expected.
I guess this just goes to show you that no matter where you go on Earth you’re bound to run into some opinionated assholes who have something negative to say about what you’re wearing.
On an alternate-reality Earth, where America got bent out of shape at Japan instead of France after 9/11, this game series ended up temporarily renamed to “Freedom Fantasy”.
I suppose we can now take this as evidence that if we want to get Microsoft to make meaningful/popular changes on the Xbox we have to convince Sony to implement those changes on the Playstation first like some kind of weird console-wars reverse-psychology...