Actually, there is. Plot Armor. Plot Armor protects you from everything and anything because the plot says so... :(
Actually, there is. Plot Armor. Plot Armor protects you from everything and anything because the plot says so... :(
Oh look. The internet took something serious again. Go figure.
Sounds to me like this problem could at least be mitigated if these older developers would/could just find each other and work together to create their own game studio so that they can create a new(er) old(er) culture and be the majority there instead.
It’s sad beyond words that you would actually need someone to lock content behind ridiculous paywalls just because you are so completely lacking in self-control that you can’t stop yourself from binge-playing a game and ruining it for yourself. It’s common sense and should go without saying that any game you overplay…
Honestly, I don’t blame that jerkass troll for this fiasco; I blame Kickstarter and their ridiculous inflexibility when it comes to projects that get that close to their goal. These guys got 78% of the funding pledged that they were looking for and while I have no idea if that would even be enough money for them to…
“Hype. Hype never changes.”
The sad truth: Despite how stupid this is, there are people that will still purchase it.
Nintendo is apparently snorting the same troll dust that Square Enix has been high on lately.
Truly, another journalistic masterpiece from Kotaku.’s Origin. So, no.’s Origin. So, no.
Reminds me of this all over again:
Level 10 they drop a nuke on you.
Sounds like someone needs to get all the From executives in Japan together in a conference room, sit them down with some juice and cookies, and explain the world of modding to them in the same way that you explain any basic concept on Earth to a five-year-old.
I sincerely hope you both get punched in the dick. This may be the single dumbest thing I’ve seen on Kotaku yet.
Well, as long as those games are ones with distinctly separated singleplayer/multiplayer modes then you should be completely fine and have nothing to worry about. However, games like Dark Souls where the game is simultaneously singleplayer and multiplayer due to the game’s inherent design are ones you may want to…
Generally nobody cares if you cheat in a game’s singleplayer mode(s). At worst, games that detect cheating in singleplayer will just disable achievements until you return to playing normally. It’s only when you start taking those cheats into multiplayer modes that it then becomes a problem, as now you’ve crossed the…
Normally I might have a problem with something like this...
As a modder, I will definitely be thinking long and hard before I ever release any of the mods that I create to the public ever again. Mardoxx is completely right, and he echoes the sentiment that many of us feel in the wake of this whole event: There is no ‘community’. There never was.