
Turn the question around - what if your kid was Simmons ? One bad episode and never get a second chance ?

Is it that odd to say that his family, because of their circumstance, wouldn’t face that issue?

Scalia was just as pointed and frequently about cases that were on their way to the court. that said, nobody can show that either Scalia or Ginsburg ever ruled based on anything but the law and Constitution. I am sure those that disagree work either justice will disagree with me, but history bears this out.

I came here to write the same thing. Off the top of my head, I remember him saying all kinds of politically charged things (most notably Obamacare), but never about the politicians themselves. And he definitely never spoke about a candidate in the running. Though I invite commenters more fastidious than I to dig up

It’s odd that she would take a stand, and people would be passionately defending her mental acuity, to say something as bland and generic as ‘He has a big ego and I don’t want to think about him being president’ We could have gotten that incisive insight from Snookie or Steve-O. Heck of a way to recuse oneself from

What’s the need to shit on Mullen here? What’s he supposed to do? Say ‘fuck that guy’ and take the high road to 6-6? There is undoubtedly some bias in his statement as this kid is obviously very good and will help his team, but even this website has acknowledged the far reaching elements of being a coach and the toll

I’m not a fan of Scalia’s politics or his views on the Constitution but I don’t recall him ever publicly speculating about how a specific Presidential candidate’s election would affect the country while he was still sitting on the SC. He certainly did not hide hid views in his court rulings or his opinions after

that’s racist fyi

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Settle down, people, fun’s nice but what we need is prudence and sobriety”

-Tim Duncan

BLM in Minnesota is a group of idiots who block traffic on major interstates. They do nothing but cause trouble and create conflict. I get the cause and what they are attempting to do, but their plan of action is not effective. If you want my attention talk to me on the corner as I walk to a vikings or twins game,

Can you say the same thing about BLM?

Society needs to get real that blacks commit a hugely disproportionate amount of the violent crime and, for that reason partly or maybe primarily, cops interact with them more and are more fearful during the encounter.

How can you ever count out Frankie Edgar?

USADA won’t let Jones fight, not the UFC.

So...they replaced one fighter caught using drugs with another?

Too bad no one cares about Tate/Nunes. Now if it was Tate/Holm.....


At least we’ll now see Paul Heyman introduce Brock Lesnar this weekend.

i doubt that. he wouldnt risk being suspended for 2 years just to get at DC.

They could not give the exemption. They are not exactly forced to give it. Lesnar isn’t coming from an outside MMA organization and it isn’t like he was just sitting around doing nothing. He is coming from an industry that has a documented history (recent and otherwise) of steroid abuse and is going right back after