
These are the best 30 kickers in the world according to alt-left Deadspin. Something about this doesn’t seem right! #MAKEKICKERSGREATAGAIN

Good article once again Alanis, but I question something France said regarding Suarez.

Yes. Autocrossing in 95-100f weather in a black car and full face helmet will tend to do that.

Now playing

Or you could drive around with this playing out of a giant speaker:

I am saying something stupid.

I don’t know what’s worse, people who drive around with their high beams on, or people who forget to turn their lights on entirely or only have their DRLs on.


I don’t know. It could be close. He got two newspapers to endorse him. What’s that you say? One of those is owned by Sheldon Adelson and the other the KKK?

The list is bullshit. For example, this: “Don’t use cruise control: You want to vary your engine’s RPM while driving during the break-in period. Cruise control is going to set the engine at one RPM.

I managed to get a copy of the entire 1984 season a while back and watched it. Here’s what I learnt:

...and you’re buying tickets/paying taxes on a stadium/underwriting their federal tax breaks/watching them on TV...my point being: There’s enough to go around.

Today I learned: Perth looks like Orange County.

Gotta upgrade yo shit! In all seriousness though, I still get freaked out when I am under my car working.

I would say that more than half the Mercedes I see on a daily basis are AMG’s. The number of them that are driven in a way that’s likely to plow them into a wall is virtually zero. It’s really hard to drift in the parking lot of a Bottega Veneta in Manhasset.

So anyway...here’s a magic trick.

I don’t care about that! The reason to tell the truth is not that it might accomplish some strategic political goal like defeating a particular candidate. The reason to tell the truth is that it is the truth.

He and Trump make a perfect pair.

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The 9X was better and pre-dates the aero x, because SAAB clownshoeamino...

She really could have used a pile of guns to cushion her fall.