
Post WW 2, GM and others bought up existing public transport infrastructure- intrastate and intra regional bus and rail networks and systematically destroyed them, guaranteeing the need for cars. Simultaneously, car manufacturers lobbied for the creation of an interstate road network, allegedly for national defense

For you, and those like you the term would be ‘me-brained’.

Now playing

Buy a solara and the sport trac that rear ended it plus 3 cases of Bud Light for $500. Then get to work.

What’s this company gonna do when the world runs out of rich oligarchs? Or trumps?

Just take out what you do have. 

He starred the wrong letter 

The top contenders for moron of the century running neck and neck 

Looking forward to the new waymo school buses. 

Hey, cops gotta cop. 

No surprise. Cops would surveil  through your dick hole if they could.

URA BUNT might be a tough sell 

Needs a bumper sticker-

Everything was revealed when I read the license plate. 

Catch me now, copper!

And still barely a word about the 600 some men,women and children who perished in the Mediterranean. Preliminary reports are that a Greek Navy ship attached a tow line briefly after the boat lost power- and then detached it and left. In any event, the vessel sank with hundreds of people below deck who never had a

None of those things sound like fun, Steve. A ‘Dear Penthouse, You’re not going to believe….’ type encounter would be fun. 

Why check the rear view mirror? At about 1:50 Mark.

4 cars a day, 7 days a week. I’m sure he has many satisfied customers, considering the care he took to get them in the right car affordable.

I had one of these! The shifter was 4 feet long.

Ford Lincoln Mercury Sable.