This cannot be said enough times.
This cannot be said enough times.
Well, it’s Florida, so some meth-snorting 8-year-old probably got caught trying to coordinate a hit against a playground rival using her neighbor’s pet alligator and an unsecured gun she found in her cousinuncle’s trailer.
Cool to arrest a kid so young she should’ve been in a booster seat on her ride to JAIL. Why the fuck is a cop who has been reprimanded for excessive force allowed to work with children????
“Come on, we were just having a little fun,” said every privileged white male through the ages.
Shout out for GenX! It’s fun to be considered young, but, yeah...
Politically incorrect opinion coming up, but hear me out.
Politically incorrect opinion coming up, but hear me out.
Sorry, but nonsense. Our relationship to animals teaches us to value humans, or should. The only connection between those committing human rights abuses and animals is that those who abuse animals often go on to abuse humans. Like the Trump boys, killing endangered animals for sport and not giving a solid fuck about…
Ah fuck off.
Please stay away from all dogs and other animals.
Yeah, animal abuse is totally okay because people are suffering somewhere too. JFC.
Because animals are innocent all the time, much like young children, but they are born/grow old/die innocent. Look at that dog get smacked, hit, yanked on and spit on and it still adores that cunt.
It’s well past time for someone -anyone- to start calling our 4th estate on their bullshit, and publicly embarrass them in the process. Beto did alright.
In my house growing up, swearing was seen as a healthy way to vent feelings of frustration. Swearing at someone (unless clearly joking) was a no-no. Swearing about the state of things in general was (is) fair game. I can’t think of any more appropriate reason to be swearing right now.
Dropping a ‘fuck’ or ‘shit’ in frustration is no longer news. It’s just vocabulary, but CNN would like to get a news cycle out of it.
Oh sure it looks bad, but that's only because you put exactly what they said into print with the appropriate amount of context around it to get across exactly what they were trying to say!
Strange how so many white male shooters are mentally ill AND are white supremacists AND support Trump, if not him personally, but his deeds.
I think in this case “DC” is synecdoche for the national political realm.
Dear Jabba: