T N Lewis

i don’t believe (and didn’t state/infer) that MERS was the result of “people eating said bats”, more likely that someone was bitten by a bat (having myself once been bitten on the hand by a bat, ouch!) and that was the beginning of the transfer to humans.

the power went off at work.
i had to sit at my desk until it came back on.
the end.

Catholic though, so more like this ...

i really can’t believe this nonsense at all .... entirely ‘cos there is no way in the world that Stuffy Munchkin could ever open his stupidly rigid jaw wide enough to stuff 6 years worth of tax returns through that razor lipped muzzle

oh ffs, HE HASN’T BEEN DESTROYED just suspended from his job.

he hasn’t been fired .... he has only been suspended and his employer has not made a decision about whether he should be fired.

at this point, his only punishment has been suspension from duties (and no info has been provided about whether that suspension is paid or unpaid), his name and details were only made public by Talia Jane after he tried to pay her off with an offer to send hush money to NOW.
“Jane eventually did reveal Rosenberg’s

perhaps by adequately funding and expanding programs under the VAWA instead of cutting funding, oh and maybe not allowing the VAWA to fkn expire?

you’d think a school like New York Military Academy could have at least taught that sack of shite to sit and stand up straight, aren’t military schools allegedly strict?

sorry but such close relatives are not allowed to marry ;P

no fucking way ... it’s REAL? really real?
well that bloke’s voice sounds like it’s dripping with sarcasm, well done him
i honestly can’t believe that’s an actual ad

that $5m isn’t going to last long if she keeps blowing it on dollar shop plastic necklaces to try to draw attention away from her magnificent fivehead

Assault survivors to Orrin Hatch:

“The trick is not to let people get lazy about their thinking when it comes to racism.”

it’s horrendously shameful and disgusting, there are far too many cringe worthy examples to name, we need to grow the fuck up and stop allowing this derogatory behaviour to continue ...

i’ve no doubt they were entirely aware of just how offensive and insulting this was, but the “we didn’t know it was racist” shite is a knee-jerk response morons always seem to spout to defend their indefensible actions, as though the rest of us are too stupid to notice just how racist their behaviour has been (also,

Cecil sitting on the stairs tying his shoelaces completely changed my opinion of him, that scene vibrated with the tragic vulnerability of a person caught up in the realization that he’d never know true passion
i’m still amazed at how much Day Lewis can convey without words

one of the many dodgy aspects of his version of events is the whole backpack full of stolen items part, she can’t have been wearing it (unless it was a teeny-tiny backpack which wouldn’t have fitted much of anything at all in it), is she supposed to have been carrying it? in which case, why couldn’t he have stopped

now you’re just mistaking Trump for Kanye