50% of Australians would say Can-Bear-Ah, for 50% it’s Can-Bra ... but 100% would agree it’s a dump
50% of Australians would say Can-Bear-Ah, for 50% it’s Can-Bra ... but 100% would agree it’s a dump
you’re correct to say that it’s good advice, I would also be supplying good advice to my 32 year old son if every time I heard about someone being hit by a car I rang him and said “Don’t forget to be careful when you cross the road, look both ways, and always using a crossing or traffic lights where possible.”.…
what are the odds that it would end up like Eric Trump’s “charitable foundation”? particularly if Kris got her hands on it, just another tax dodge like her “church”.
so where do open carry laws come into this equation? what about when people take their guns into a public space? does the government have no way to regulate that?
(not being snarky at all, as a non-american i’m honestly interested in the answer ... thanks, NeoViking)
I’d like to ask Kevin Williamson whether he’d be as eager to hire a woman writer who voiced the ridiculously extreme belief that men should have their hands chopped off at the wrist for masturbating, because isn’t that also willful murder of potential babies? Bet he’d consider that something other than provocative…
bet they don’t think the kid in the armoured vehicle pictured above is being exploited ... lying hypocritical gunhumpers, ugh
oh great, yet another opportunity to watch Natalie Portman sleepwalk her way through a role, ugh
I think the real question is what would Dolt 45 be doing in a school in the first place?
Her dad only bought Melville Castle in 1991 and turned it into a hotel and wedding venue, for a wedding it’s only $1,300 in the winter months (on sunday to friday) and if you throw in another $4,000 you can hire exclusive use of the whole castle ... so they’re not as posh as you might think
Well, there are many reasons I find Germaine Greer problematic, but I wouldn’t say she isn’t a feminist due to her affairs with men who were married or in relationships (Federico Fellini, Martin Amis, Warren Beatty, amongst others)
am i a bad bad person because i kinda love it when Spicey gets that scared rabbit-in-the-headlights look in his eyes, it’s as though his two remaining barely functional brain cells are desperately trying to spark together to form a somewhat coherent response but it ends up being more like a newly minted cub scout on…
yeah, super smart move to shut down the media ‘cos it’s not at all, not even a little tiny bit likely to make investigative journalists dig their heels in and work tirelessly unearthing the dirt on these jokers and turning their every mistake, misspoken word, shady deal, fact-free statement, and possibly treasonable…
please disabuse me of the notion that daddy’s slobber-hug has caused a headlight-nipple malfunction in Ivanka-bot <ugh>
Stone (1974) - “Members of the Grave Diggers Motorcycle Club are being knocked off one by one, and someone needs to find out why!”. Classic Aussie cult film about an undercover cop becoming too involved with a bikie gang while investigating the murders of their brethren
possibly because media outlets insist on referring to him as a prankster instead of calling him out for the attacker that he actually is .... there isn’t anything funny about what he’s doing, it’s assault
he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning, but didn’t he acknowledge that a few weeks ago in an interview when he said he thought Cranston would walk away with it?
i’d be willing to bet he didn’t draw the lippy heart on his own arm, to be fair