HLecter Defender

I laughed so fucking hard at that scene and Will's facial expressions when asking it

But wasn't the point of blindfolding and driving him out to who-knows-where an attempt to get him away from that setting?

"Is Hannibal in love with me?"
The show officially has no chill left and it is glorious. I DON'T WANT IT TO END.

Mads absolutely NAILED the whimsy of Hannibal-in-jail in this episode. He was fucking perfect, and it didn't feel forced at all, as I feel it had in previous episodes where he was doing some of the almost comedic routines Lecter does in the book.

"Francis. It smells like shit in here"

Yes, it's from the novel, but if I recall correctly, Will spies the shirts from some random street merchant. Freddie capitalizing on the brutal sexualized violence of the Tooth Fairy victims makes her even more reprehensible.

Exactly. I had problems—sorry, found her "problematic"—because her character fellt inconsistent and unpredictable, but not in a compelling way. She felt like a placeholder in search of a role in the story. She fluctuated between moral scold, romantic interest, voice of reason, and helpless victim. I could never

Not to throw a wet blanket on the joke but the books actually answer this question—and in a way that makes Hannibal less than appealing. He's basically a gold digger. When a patient that was elderly or clearly suicidal but also clearly rich came into his practice, he'd manipulate them into making him the sole or major

If you watch "Silence of the Lambs" again, Hannibal easily took out two armed guards.

When was this billed as "a cat and mouse game between many extremely intelligent, competent people"? The FBI, specifically Jack Crawford, had no leads on the Chesapeake Ripper before the show started. Alana has known Hannibal for years and is one of his closest friends. Chilton's known him professionally for a

Huge exit wound through the back of the skull? No, there was no visible exit wound, and the back of his skull was unscathed.

My first impression was that Hannibal was using that murder to push Will even further into insanity. He's trying to fire his brain, and putting him in a position where he thought he might have been guilty of losing time and murdering someone is a perfect way to do it. I could be totally off base, but that's what I

It is actually a comedy :D, pretty good one too.

Want to see Mads as a far less cultured psychopath, killing a cow that provokes him?

Oh bloody Christ. Of course I know they weren't killed an hour before! They show him putting the organs in a fridge. But before fridging, they also show him  trimming and vacuum-sealing each organ, to the point where they're indistinguishable from animal offal. This isn't like Tobias, who has whole human intestines in

Not really. A lot of the "better beers" still have a on the bottle fermentation going on. As long there is sugar to be converted into alcohol, the beer is alive and will not go bad as you say. Hop is used a preservative (and unfortunately as a taste enhancer these days) but the reason why is that as soon as the beer

"The use of black and white in flashbacks and murders hasn’t been
consistent. Lass was in full black and white, as was Hannibal’s initial
meeting with this episode’s victim. But Hannibal’s confrontation with
the stranded doctor is in color."

He was trying to recreate the guardian angel that abandoned him.  Before the cancer, he didn't need to study his angel.  The simple fact that he had a guardian angel was comfort enough.  When he was diagnosed, he could no longer feel the comfort of the angel, and suddenly he realized the world was the dwelling place

My problem with Lecter being the Shrike copycat is logistics.  Since Hannibal consults with Jack and Will so often I'm assuming his office must be near the FBI headquarters, which is in Virginia.  Are we to believe that he flew all the way to Minnesota or Wisconsin (wherever the Hobbs' live) find a girl that fits the

Interesting on the gender switch. It just seems especially off in a world of psychopaths/serial killers to play this journalist character (who I'm assuming doesn't turn out to be either) with such nakedly sinister motivations. Even a slimy tabloid journalist is probably gonna take one little moment to reflect on being