HLecter Defender

Theres usually a week between episodes, so we can assume Buffet Froid and Releves has one week in-between. Kidney removal usually takes one week of recovery, and some people are even able to get up and walk around after a day or two. So Chilton could still have killed Georgia, especially if he was in the same hospital.

You missed that Will took out his gun to save Hannibal. Will had the same dilemma Francis did, he couldn't kill Hannibal, and he couldn't watch him die, same as Francis and Reba. And if that means he doesn't love Hannibal, I guess Hannibal hiding a life threatening illness from him, gutting him and trying to eat him

Jack didn't have any files. They had nothing on Hannibal. 

There wasn't enough points for a court case. They point that out.