
I kinda want to see the Honda’s headlights move as it follows the road. It would be really creepy and really cool at the same time.

I think he’s going to have a wakeup call when he reaches college and realizes he’s not as great as everyone’s told him. He might also get his ass literally beat by some other kid with a penchant for handing them out to those who talk too much smack.

So he’d fit in perfectly in the NBA..

Am I the only one who sees a resemblance?

I feel like the Mustang reputation is a deserved one, if you grew up with the Mustang Bros of the late-90s to early-00s in the Northeast like I did. Coffee can mufflers to give the seeming illusion of power and muscle, but invariably spun out on the shoulder of the local highway, or wrapped around a pole by teenagers

The back end of that hatch looks like Jay Leno’s chin mated with a nonplussed, squashed Decepticon.

Counterpoint: that C pillar is on the passenger side too, and I crane my neck 150 degrees that way fairly often.

Take your star, you magnificent bastard

Well that’s one club who won’t be vying for his services next season!

Regarding the CBD gummies, can we just put a disclaimer to go easy on those things? I know they’re gummies and all, but that stuff can really kick your butt if you’re not careful.

Regarding the CBD gummies, can we just put a disclaimer to go easy on those things? I know they’re gummies and all,

This is (part) of the reason why I never tell anyone I went to Rutgers. During the Schiano-era no less!

Because we had no better alternatives.

To ease the sting of losing the 3DS, how about have all those games playable on the new Switch?

me me me, pick me!

Kinda, sorta joking about this, but not really.

I’d like to say the old Challenger has aged well. This new thing has way too much chin.

Had an ‘89 with a stick. I miss that thing, even though it leaked and didn’t start in the rain.