
“You know I’d worry about you being around boys all the time if you weren’t so fat, ugly, and stupid. I don’t have to worry about you getting pregnant because seriously who would date you?” - my mom to me when I was 11.

My two year old daughter is dancing around naked singing “POP OFF” at the top of her lungs. I’ve never been more proud damn it.

I have had to end a lot of friendships as of today because of people I considered close and family members were leaking info about my whereabouts as I’m living in a domestic violence shelter right now. I have friends mad because they believe everything is paid for here so I can loan them money or some shit. Others are

this is just amazing. I am sitting awake in a domestic violence shelter and full of nervous energy as my ex is threatening me via facebook now since he was early released.

I came here to say I admire you for forgiving your younger self. I still can't.

3 time rape victim here.. With every one of my rapists I went full sarcastic, hateful, taunting, exposing their weaknesses or fears about their sexual inadequacies in order to deal with the fact that I had no cops believe me when I was 16 because I was fat. 2nd time was ex/common law husband that my 10 year old sister

Oh love, no one thinks of calling it rape when it’s rape.

Thanks and no kidding on no shelters, etc. Hell, there are tons of people trying to get me to leave yet when I say no rooms, poor to the point of negative dollars, etc. they do not offer another way except at times to chastise me for posting the pics of my child on instagram as the whole hashtag of

thanks for talking to me - needless to say, my posts on this matter piss people off or get them to not talk to me on facebook. I posted a gofundme to my friends who donate for anything and it sits at zero.

It’s ok - I’m frustrated and this topic is close to heart - lol.

get this - all his calls and mail are recorded. He’s written letters to me so violent they have just sent the envelope. Yet he’s getting out and I’m so scared. I don’t eat, I don’t sleep, I keep the baby within 4 feet of me at all times.

doubt it - as anyone I know, including myself, who have native american blood have been abused.

my ex, who is a felon and currently in prison but getting out any day, can buy a shotgun and kill me from walmart. He’s native american though so he said he’s gonna slit my throat in front of our 2 year old.

what part of this hell are you from? Near SA here - which makes the whole no shelter thing kind of like wtf.

Lol I was alright Texas then remembered I am on 10 waiting lists for shelter bed for me and my 2 year old to get away from my ex who has said in prison calls he’s gonna cut my throat in front of the baby.

Try being in Texas and finding a shelter right now not over 200 miles from home. I’m trying to find somewhere to go since my go online charity thing has 0 bucks, my ex who has sworn to kill me is getting out of prison, and I have a 2 year old. He has beaten and abused and robbed me our whole marriage. I finally

ok that was fucking awesome.

Oh man :(

Everytime there is a fad diet mentioned, there is Jennifer Anniston’s name. If she’s not pregnant, she’s getting married or on a diet.

Isn’t that a great documentary?