
If they made $3.77 per hour couldn't they just have quit and found better jobs or were they bound by some ridiculous contract?

Well, I am a renowned asshole (at least in my own mind), but I am glad they won - this was some bullshit. That being said, in my opinion the NFL should save some not-so-big money and some headaches and wind down cheerleader programs. It won’t hurt them a bit, it won’t hurt the fans, and it sounds like it won’t much

Football players make millions because people pay billions to watch football. Nobody pays a dime to go watch the cheerleaders at a football game because they’re an unnecessary accessory, just like the pretzel vendor.

I don’t get these responses.
It’s not the same job. Why SHOULD they receive the same pay.

Sorry to burst your bubble...but no one goes to Jets games to watch the cheerleaders. They provide a better fan experience, and all pro cheerleaders deserve much Much MUCH higher pay than they currently receive. But stop with these

Right but those athletes make that money because there is a billion dollar business around the entertainment they themselves provide and billion dollar TV contracts to show it to the entire country. There doesn’t appear to be that demand for dancers or the pay would be higher.

Those players are the actual product in a billion dollar enterprise though. These women, who absolutely should be paid more than the $4/hour it averages out to, are not. There is a major difference there.

Because, being that they agreed to the terms of the job when they took it, there is no way they would win the suit.

NFL “cheerleaders” aren’t even real cheerleaders. They don’t follow the action, direct appropriate cheers or do any sort of routines that involve talent. They writhe, wiggle and shimmy, that’s it. They exist to comfort NFL fans lest they start to wonder why they’re so emotionally attached to large burly men in spandex

Granted, cheerleading for a football team is, by its nature, pretty much all about the men. Even the name — you’re literally leading cheers for the dudes who are doing something.

Actually, they have a “no fraternization” policy in their contracts. So they are even denied and easy job on gold digging. Though, you never know you might bump into at a game that thrives on people obsessed with a brand.

Experience AND a chance to build their cheer leading portfolio, which they can use to show off their work when they finally enter the high paid world of professional cheer leading. Oh wait.

Waiting for the first comments along the lines of nobody held a gun to their head and made them be cheerleaders! and they knew what they were signing up for, why whine about it later? and eventually sliding all the way down to decorative Barbie sex-objects bla bla bla not exactly rocket science.

I also loved the argument that these women shouldn’t complain and should actually be grateful because they get to hang around rich guys who may bestow trinkets upon them, or — the ultimate cheerleader ambition — marry them (because why else would anyone be a cheerleader, right?).

It’s been brought-en!