
These cheerleaders just fucked it up for everybody. Bet money the teams will just be like “Fuck it, we don’t need ‘em anyway. They’re not bringing in any money. Why are we paying them? I can get a backup full back with that money. No more cheerleaders.”

Probably because guys are the only ones who apply for those jobs. So stop with the women's-rights-power bs.

The franchise is based around the actual sport of football. Not a 3 minute sideshow.

Then don't cheerlead! Get another job.

Yeah, but the audience is there to see the game. Not the cheerleading. If people came to see you, you'd have a supply and demand. Since you don't, your main stage is the intermission of something that does have appeal.

You know what's great about America? THEY CAN FIND ANOTHER JOB! If you don't get paid enough, find a new career. Holy shit! Crazy, huh?

Yeah dummy. People pay to see sports games. Not the 3 minutes of cheerleading.