
An audit should be done for amounts spent on weapons, perceived threat of wars, preparing for perceived threats of war, thinking of perceived threats of war and all those other ideas politicians brain wash into believing are on our doorsteps. Lets see how well the planet's resources are utilised.

England & Spain were plain terrible. Not to be confused with bad luck and injuries.

They hold it in until their kidneys or asshole explodes. The airlines giving a royal fuck you to nature's calls.

You can clearly see that Ronaldo is not up to his usual standards. He is injured plain and simple. The Portugese were the most unfortunate team this world cup.

1 to 2 tbsp of unsalted grass-fed butter

So close but you're way off. Lol

I call BS on that. My 3 names can all be tied to some righteous/noble/religious cause across 4 languages/cultures. Japanese/African, English and French. Yet everyone thinks I'm an atheist. No one believes me when I say I'm not. All names are easy to pronounce for people from all walks of life save French name (only 6

If its not genetics and its not environment then what is it? Magic? Had this lad in my hood. From very young age he stuck to the girls. He played with dolls etc. He shunned the typical boy activities. Expectedly, he grew up to be gay. The dress up like a woman, try to grow tits type gay. One has to wonder, if he was

Not just culture but the entire economic system is consumption based.

Glorious memories.

I owned this game. Never even figured out how to play. Can't remember what happend to the cart afterwards.

Beat most NES games I played. Even Battletoads. Never beat Punch Out. I have you beat on beating games.

When you have been gaming as long as I have, been there done that is a very common thought. Fun should be bottom line but you can have fun only so many ways doing the same thing. Need new experiences.

Hmmm. Mario 64, Revolutionary. Pilotwings 64. Evolutionary. Wave Race 64. Revolutionary. At launch. Nothing on Wii U did the same.

I don't either. Owned every Nintendo console up until this one.

Buddha is way ahead of you guys.

Solomon Grundy thats why.

Lol. I'm not the most detailed oriented person in the world. Pound wise penny foolish.

There are far worse problems that the occasional goal line bad call. There are number handballs, dives, offsides that aren't called. Just another pathetic attempt to pacify from FIFA. Waste of time.

I work in finance. Gives prepress as my tops. I lol'd. Don't even know what that is. Maybe I don't know myself.