
Not owed my arse. Committed relationship = guaranteed sex. If I'm free me to do whoever I want then you don't owe me.

Really Robert!! Why would the Russians even think of incriminating their allies in any sort of way? Where do they get you idiots from?

Back in the day any game that crossed my path would get its arsed kicked save the off Fester's Quest or some utterly ridiculous piece of garbage. Now.....:(:(. Can't even get started playing. Clocked 70 hours in Xenoblade and can't even turn on the Wii. Its sad really. I want to but I can't.

However, Ukraine's Prosecutor General Vitaliy Yarema has cast doubt on this, telling local media on Friday: "The military told the president after the passenger plane had been shot down that the terrorists did not possess our Buk missile systems."

First thing I thought.

Some of the world's fastest bowlers are routinely clocked in at around 90mph+ at bat with all that kinetic energy transfer you speak of. Remember a cricket ball is heavier and harder than a baseball. And those guys can hit just as hard.

Hope this trend continues. To you Japanese butchering our English, please pronounce English words as intended. Hotel as hotel and not hoteru. Email as email and not meru. etc. deal?

Colour link blue, rename him Neil and game will still be just as brilliant.

Can't scroll through the available languages. Can't translate to first few but...

And if only it would allow you to select English, the world would be an infinitely better place.


Gay marriage has everything to do with everything. Where have you been for the last two years.

Called brainwashing your kids.

You baseball players with your dainty hands. No mitts in cricket. Barehand all the way. And the ball is harder. Sissies.

THat humour is lost on you I imagine.

Not ashamed to say I can't

If Greg Howard really knew of football or made a concerted effort to improve his knowledge then yes I would say more. But there is very little merit in what he has said and his conclusions as I pointed to in Real thrashing the best Germany has to offer and spanking the rest and sending them home to mommy.

It was not close in the first leg. Bayern had one yes 1 shot on target for 90 minutes despite having 60%+ possession. At least Barca put up a fight. They scored 1. Lol

But speed of light sorta thing.

You just made my day