
I was on the fence for the Wii U. Waiting for something to pull me in. Zelda looked impressive, super impressive. But I purchase Skyward Sword years ago and I have yet to even open the box. But I won't buy a Wii U just for one game. Sorry Nintendo, too little too late.

They need many more of those.

Had an aunt named Theia. Didn't know she was that big, old or was so important to our world. Well done auntie.

Lol. Guess she didn't swallow.

Yet it causes many people to get sick. All of those items you discussed can be found elsewhere

Never made that argument.

?? Don't really follow your thinking sorry.

Never understood why people drink milk. Your mom's tits stopped making it for a reason. Also, I have never seen an adult cow sucking on the teats of those bloody heifers. Why should I??

I loved that game then hated it. After playing it in the arcade, I purchased it brand new for SNES. After opening, completed in less than 2 hours. A few days later, bought Magic Sword by Capcom. Few hours later, game completed. From that day onward I vowed to gravitate to RPGs. Haven't regretted.

Riggggght. Keep drinking that Kook Aid little guy.

Simple question. Why would aliens want to talk to us? Do we have anything to offer? Knowledge, resources, anything? Same way we ignore countries and their issues when we have nothing to offer, can't imagine E.T. doing anything else. Let's stop trying to look at the universe from our limited perspective.