In times like these you must remember it could always be worse
In times like these you must remember it could always be worse
I guess Jose Fernandez had enough of Lorias shit
I went to go see MJ’s final game... in DC
He looks like danny davito’s body with Donald trumps hair
Why do fans yell racist shit at caps players?
Also out of Orange County...
Kind of like who’s line is it anyway
In other news water is wet and ice is cold.
“the last thing I remember is meeting up with some trucker on Craig’s list...”
In all fairness the pirates plundered that booty
Some people are just plain stupid... can’t teach stupid
Hold my Dirk
LeBron just needs a players that can shoot the 3 and/or rebound he can do everything else
She already accepted 500k from Tennessee and 750k from bama and now has to return the new benz I would be pissed too
George still has never made a game winning basket