
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights...

Now, use these bulbs in fixtures that integrate liquid cooling provided by the fire-supression sprinkler system. Voila, 80 years (all bets off if a fire occurs).

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is denied to anyone who is an enemy of the CIA or an enemy of the CIA's bidders.

The rubber might not abosrb the beer odor so much. But then, that's not really a selling point, is it?

I will always keep asking my fellow engineers, "What would Steve Jobs say about this?"

Need better symmetry in bandwidth; upload bandwidth is not yet sufficient to support a good user experience.

I rather like the 70's Speak & Spell voice employed by Hawking.

Well, long ago I got weird looks from people who saw me riding in my horseless carriage. They got used to it, and it wasn't long before they were also doing it (thanks to Mr. Ford).

Well said; high art, indeed.

And, is it a user-serviceable battery, with an ability to swap batteries while on the road?

It's iCarly 2.

Now they'll get jobs working on MeeGo.

The two most cherished words known to Penney's family, "Let's roll".

This could be the shove Mike needed to do something more worthwhile, perhaps? Verily, he'll be motivated to show them how it's done.

Cost of Hellfire missiles notwithstanding, one big problem with the Army's Grey Eagle (MQ-1C) is the need for a developed airstrip within a couple hundred miles of the target. Even if that airstrip is available, would you want to wait around for a few hours for your close air support?

Obviously there was a complete lack of coordination on the morning of 9/11 as if no one had a clue that hijackings were being planned. It seemed to take forever for the airport managers, FAA, NORAD, and the military to even realize there was a problem. Smarter government would have had provisions in place.

"Gentlemen, you shall have your war."

If this happened today, no doubt the customer service agent would be in India.

If only airport managers and FAA authorities had been briefed in August with the information that had been provided to President Bush. The following is from the President's briefing, Aug. 6, 2001 (redacted before release):

Those Texans sure know how to play Northwoods.