
Um, that would be the 8 GB model that might not be marketed in the US.

If a Google search brings you to Newegg, within minutes you will be confronted by Newegg banner ads at every turn touting the very products you were seeking.

Corportation. CEO. Judged quarterly based on profit growth, growth, growth. Outsource, outsource, outsource, more, more, more. Make it cheaper, cheaper, cheaper, quality be damned, customer service be damned. Marketing will protect the brand. Can't wring out any more costs? Sell off the business and invest

I'll purchase all inventory right now, every unit, if Hp will include the rights to WebOS.

Dibs on the movie rights!

Make no mistake about it...

Leonardo da Vinci would have loved this. But maybe if all this tech existed then, he would have spent his whole life reading license agreements and owners manuals and might not have accomplished anything substantial.

I fear all large bird species in Pakistan are about to become endangered.

Ah, it's all Chinese money anyway.

Ah, it's all Chinese money anyway.

I dreamed I saw the bomber death planes riding shotgun in the sky, turning into butterflies above our nation.

RESPECT earned.

How about a class action lawsuit against the Republican party for about $7 Trillion?

Um, you better check the property taxes in Texas. Outrageous!

Always a white-knuckle ride; especially post STS-107, RIP.

The first update will be released in a day or two, and then you can download the 3.5 GB all over again.

Only time I watch movies on a computer is in-flight. That external Blu-Ray set-up just isn't going to happen in business class.

Entertainment means Blu-Ray, but Steve Jobs says Blu-Ray is a "bag of hurt", therefore no one on the planet should care about entertainment that is not delivered by Apple. I'm sorry, but that's the reality behind the distortion field.

It's a beautiful concept, but it makes a shareholder cringe.