Thanks for doing this! Two questions:
Thanks for doing this! Two questions:
Wow, I remember that as one of the first videos we shared from Youtube...uploaded in 2005, this is pretty much a historical artifact at this point XD
I feel like this is as good a time as any to include a clip from "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" (one of the Netflix must-watch films, btw) that demonstrates a) the order of eating; and, b) eating with the hands. I don't think there's a clip of how to eat the nigiri (nigiri = fish with rice; sashimi = just the fish) with the…
Codeacademy is a great resource for this, if you're in any business/tech/engineering field. I primarily work in SAS and SQL at my current job, but I've started using Codeacademy when things have slowed down to learn Java and Python. It's amazing how many more opportunities, internally and externally, I'm aware of now…
So UCCW is just for the very top clock widget, right? Does that mean the ssLauncher doesn't have something similar on its own? Just curious, since this is the first time I've seen ssLauncher and I'm very intrigued.
St. Louis was particularly confusing in that respect.
Combined with Chromecast, you'll literally never have to move, ever again.
You like the DAC? Been thinking about getting one for awhile now, just never get in the right mindset to splurge on one...
Are those Westone's? So sexy.
I haven't tried Cute PDF, but a couple people have recommended it here, so I'm going to try that out tonight.
Down the Mall sounds like a 90's Canadian teenage pop song
I'll definitely check that
Two questions:
“It’s literally bringing the Amazon experience into the store.”
Here's a link to my Grooveshark.
I've also got to give a shout out to Shush. When you silence your phone, a dialog box pops up asking when you'd like the ringer to be restored. Kind of like "Silence", but on a more ad hoc basis, for example, movies, or dinners, and study sessions, as opposed to Calendar items, like "Silence" seems to work with
Ah, didn't know that. Thanks!
You forgot Sherrell. Who the fuck is Sherrell?!