Whooooo Boy

Don’t act like such a dishonest POS throwing around strawmen. (You KNOW there are other pieces of shit who hate TLJ solely because of minorities and women are main characters, but you also know there are PLENTY of criticisms that have absolutely nothing to do with that. Yet you want to pretend someone like me, to the

You know what RT rating means right? A review who says “meh, it was ok, I guess” counts as a positive result just as much as another reviewer who says “best film ever.” In fact, if one thousand critics review a film, and all say “meh, it was ok, I guess” the RT score would be 100%, even though the film is decidedly

It’s even worse than what you describe. The people we are supposed to root for, the heroes, decided to ignore the chain of command and are significantly responsible for getting most of the rebels of killed.

WRONG. Calling it a good film is absurd. It is like some film student with OCD wanted to put his own stamp on Star Wars by doing everything the opposite of what came before. Everything. Every time. (Unlike Colt 45, doing this every time does not work every time, or even most times.)

Word. Many bloggers are either 1) goddamn retards or 2) cynical contrarian clickbait / hot take whores. Or both. TLJ had an extremely boring slow speed chase as its central plot, a ham-fisted lame casino planet side plot, and worst of all, by far, with too many examples to mention, was a “subverting expectations” /

“to the point where she wondered where “the love” for the series had gone.”

Navarro is a dumb fuck who does not have a background in public health, he is no more an expert on this than you or I.

“Iger is stepping up to lead once again in hopes that his 15 years of experience will be enough to pull the conglomerate through this tumultuous time.”

Sigh. This is stupid American culture where sex and even basic brief nudity is some horrible thing, but portraying a stabbing or shooting of someone is AOK. Hell, a very popular Disney + show that tweens are supposed to be able to watch, has a character literally killing folks by disintegration. But buttocks are no

Oh yes, the dumb fuck logic of “me cannot explain it so me think supernatural magic woo woo did it”

“Dolores has taken control of Rehoboam”

Oh yeah you lazy loser, how about you actually explain how what I wrote is a strawman? Can you do that? I’m all ears. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and wrote out multiple long paragraphs to you earlier. If you are going to bother replying to me at least make an effort.

Carson is certainly not the best ever, but he was a pretty good surgeon. But he’s an idiot savant really. He is incredibly, utterly stupid in many other areas, and a quick google search about this will turn up tuns of dumb fuck things he said when running for office...

Evil Fred Flinstone is a goddamn lawyer (and a severely unethical one at that, but that is beside the point here). Barr publicly opining on public health measures is as useful as any other unqualified dumb fuck giving their opinion, aka not fucking useful at all. 

Amazing, one of the best random roles I ever read.   The Nic Cage story is just so perfect.  As is Pitt hurting his Achilles playing Achilles, lol.

Nice, thanks, I will check it out.

Oh yeah!? Then home come my hemorrhoids stayed the same!?

I had to look that up! Been meaning to check out Longmire, haven’t gotten to it yet.

Lol, but a half Asian girl! I bet you did not see that coming.