I actually just took Pepto for the opposite problem, but thanks for your concern.
I actually just took Pepto for the opposite problem, but thanks for your concern.
“It’s goddamn amazing how many people are ignorant sheltered idiots.”
Well said. I can work remotely. And I know this is not the norm and I am goddamn lucky that this is the case for me. The number of self absorbed fucking retards who can’t imagine anyone in different circumstances than themselves is shocking. I am still shocked by this even after tens of millions of people voted…
If you are in charge of teaching children perhaps you should get a clue and recognize the absolute absurdity of the word “Latinx”. Stop trying to make it a thing, while your intent may be admirable, this is the dumbest fucking word invented in the past 10 years. I barely know any Spanish and it makes me cringe (I know…
Sigh, Latinx is a stupid word. It is like nails on the chalkboard for anyone who knows even a tiny bit of Spanish and it is looks like an absolute joke of a word for anyone fluent in English. Why would you keep pushing such a stupid fucking word? Are you clueless? Why jump on the moron bandwagon when you could so…
This is a way for fucking morons to text each other while they are watching TV. So if you want to be a fucking moron who half pays attention to TV and half pays attentions to texts during said TV, sure, go for this.
So why exactly would friends need to watch Netflix at EXACTLY the same time down to the second? The only reason I can think of is they are dumb fucks who text while they are watching TV. These are the type of people who should never be allowed to have children and frankly should be encouraged to go outside and die…
I mean who doesn’t hate hipsters? Probably half of the hipsters even hate hipsters.
This dude’s name is too close to POOPS, what is that all about?
No one is calling you you trolling dumb fuck, you are probably an extremely lonely person in real life. Anywhoo, you lamely said only dumb people disliked the film, you are wrong, of course.
Lol, most people I know who’ve seen it were either indifferent to it (a sad state of affairs for a Star Wars film) or worse, actively disliked it. And most of these people have advanced degrees in science or engineering.
Ruin Johnson tried to “subvert expectations” so much the entire movie was an exercise on taking a dump on everything that happened before, and also apparently took a dump on making a good film.
Lol, so dramatic. It ain’t a hill and no one is dying on it, not even figuratively. You made a silly and poorly thought out remark, and cannot defend it, it happens, next time don’t try to double down on it and then flee like a coward immediately after, it is not a good look. Take care.
You just wrote what you said earlier but made it longer. Did you even read what I wrote to you before? You cling to the “only way” language, which is rather absurd. Why is it the “only way” again? (Recall above how rare anyone getting an Oscar even is). And is it sadder than him getting no award at all?
Oh yeah? What’s the context? Is it only with regards to this single actor? Ok. Do you think Oscars grow on trees? And that most actors get dozens of them? Because if you don’t think that I don’t see how your comment makes sense. Oscars are rare, most actors never get one, of the tiny amount of them who get one, most…
Don’t forget the C-word, they are fine with writing out the C-word when they are reporting.
Dude asked a question about reporting methods on the bad stuff others have said, on a site where the article writers swear ***constantly*** and get this, The Root wrote out the uncensored C-word when reporting on a loser calling a Congresswoman that word. Do Ctrl-F for it in this link and see for yourself.
Good as an option, but of course terribly implemented by you when you dismissed a reasonable, thoughtful post.