
Ant Music for Sex People!

I think I’m broken, because I don’t have anything cynical to say about this. Good job, guy? I approve? That doesn’t sound like me!

Counterpoint: No I don’t.

Also: “You can safely ignore all spoiler tags forever”! That’s handy, because we can’t use them anymore.

Plot Twist: the video was actually created by The AV Club to justify continuing to post spoilers in headlines.

I enjoy twists the second time for the reasons listed, but that doesn’t mean I want my twists spoiled. I want my own fair chance to be surprised/annoyed/faked out or whatever. I’ll decided if I want to go back and analyse the ending further, thank you very much.

You can “savor the machinations more, somehow increasing suspense” on second viewing. Better watch the thing unspoiled first, and have that sweet “holy hell” gasp.

Wow. Ya’ gotta kind of feel bad for David Mazouz here... I mean, the kid’s mostly been able to hold on to his dignity as Bruce Wayne, one of the surprisingly decent parts of this awful, misbegotten show.

I grew up in Buffalo, and I used to take a small plane to go back there from New York to visit family a few times a year. One of those deals where a regional airline gets to slap the American Airlines logo on their propellor plane, and the delays at the airport are twice as long than the actual flight.

Now playing

Nah...you really need to see him talking about the stupidity of chickens too:

Yeah, I’m pretty sure I would have just given up and died. I’m an indoor kind of person.

As anyone who’s spent more than a few minutes on A.V. Club or Kotaku already knows, Kinja is a trainwreck, mashing together deceptively shot selfies, lists of favorite movies, and the words “spiritual, but not religious” into awkward configurations galore.

What an utterly wretched publication this once illustrious news-paper has become! I am quite of the mind that the entire lot of your are liars and charlatans.



Trailer guy 1: Wait, are you just cutting together a compilation of all the nudie bits in the film instead of making the actual trailer?

Have you noticed there is no more laughter, only tears?

Yeah, I mean, disqus wasn’t exactly space-efficient, but damn. It’s like words peed onto a field of snow. And double-spaced so that you can make your essay actually reach 5 pages. Your snow pee essay, yes.

I’m not going to lie; seeing everything in that Kinja format for the first time, it’s actually....way more trash than I thought it would be. It’s like seeing a neighborhood restaurant turned into a McDonald’s.

As an also long-term Kinja user, albeit one whose account got wiped out by this process, I can assure you that it’s at least as bad as everyone fears, probably worse.