
I think you're giving Treeza way too much credit here.

Fuck this whole election thing. Apparently May is losing ground in the polls, but I just know this is a sliver of hope that will be cruelly snatched away when people actually vote.

Commiserations. My relationship with my mum is pretty fraught too. And that thing where we have a nice chat and I think "oh, maybe she isn't as bad as I was telling myself" and then the next time we talk is a nightmare - that gets me every time.

I've been reading The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.

I wish you the very best of luck.

No, indeed. The nightmare is global, or at least western-world-wide.

Again, I hope you're right, but since last summer I've lost all hope in the electorate.

I hope you're right, but May is exactly the kind of authoritarian nutjob who will try to benefit from this by telling us we need more strong and stable to protect us.

At this point, the thought that comes to me immediately after the shock and the thoughts of the victims is that I'm already weary of the upcoming cycle in which the death of one group of innocent people is blamed on another group of innocent people just because the latter happen to look a little bit like the utter

I cannot seem to figure out what the exact food issue is so I can stop eating it.

Well, that's a welcome moment of "not everyone is a raging arsehole".

you're only seeing one of the "Ds"

this is on Amazon Prime in the UK.

I've heard similar "NHS struggling to find arse with both hands" stories from a good friend who requires regular check-ups and ongoing care. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a government committed to fixing these things, instead of one that will use any excuse to sell the baby claiming it's all just dirty bathwater?

I'm a big baby about medical procedures too, so I feel for you. Hope it gets sorted as quickly and unstressfully as possible.

Just started The North Water by Ian McGuire. Liking it a lot.

Yikes. I hope that's repairable, and dealt with swiftly.

In theory, we got rid of the whole "can just call an election" thing a few years ago with the Fixed Term Parliaments Act. But that evidently only held as long as it wasn't inconveniencing anyone.

Just finished The Girls by Emma Cline, which I thought was fantastic.

God yes. I'm losing the ability to adequately express how much I detest her at this point.