
If you're disciplining a one year old, you aren't even fucking trying to parent.

Thats what the baby gets for not using her words.

Because it's easier to find a lager session beer. Sometimes when it's hot and you're drinking all day, it's easier to drink a lighter lager all day than a porter, ipa or epa.

So maybe Anheuser-Busch isn't taking back its money or pulling its ads.

I want to hear Harbaugh say that maybe she hit him.

The CBA covers the league's actions, in that it provides for the personal conduct policy, which allows Goodell to unilaterally take action at any point. All the CBA gives a player there is the right to appeal.

Putting aside whether the boss would have to know his wife lied to be found in breach (or whether, like Harbaugh would be (IMO), he was reasonable in his conclusion based on the info he had at the time), the 49ers could do the right thing here (again, IMO) and say, "we've seen enough to suspend him" and either: 1)take

the NFL isn't the law.

Two different four-year-old sons? If only AD's father had hit him in the scrotum with a switch.

Wow, it's crazy how the Vikings can flick the switch like that.

What a fucking asshole. Still, this is one best non-apologies I've ever read.

"Due process" is like a shiny new toy they discovered. They will keep saying it over and over like it means something, anything, to them. They won't explain at all why they let some players get run through the justice system and others they cut right away. Where's the due process for those dudes?

This is a three-scoop ice cream sundae of bullshit with a cherry on top. I am not sure anyone has questioned whether he loves his son or whether he is perfect, so his statements that he does and he isn't are utterly meaningless. And the law doesn't require intent to injure, so his statement that, in effect, "I meant

When Peterson's kid started to bleed from his gashes as he continued to beat him, why did he not stop?

"I also understand after meeting with a psychologist that there are other alternative ways of disciplining a child that may be more appropriate."

But Peterson doesn't dispute any of the allegations. He admitted to stuffing leaves in his 4 year old's mouth, making him drop his pants and whipping him until he was bleeding from multiple wounds including on his testicles.

It is easy. You have due process for court proceedings. When you are punished by your employer for beating a kid until you drew blood and ADMITTING it you are being punished bc your employer does not agree with what you did. Due process is a bullshit cover for the NFL.

It's always nice when one's interpretation of "doing the right thing" lines up so comfortably with one's own self-interest.

And to the fans that disagree, they'd like to extend an olive branch.