
This is silly, and is basically “marijuana journalist” clickbait or industry hucksters trying to sell “weed and wine” dinners and other lameness. You taste the actual flavor in vapor for what, three seconds after you exhale? If you want to relax with some various intoxicants, fine, (I do,) but you’re not going to

Exactly, north and south of the complex and west of the bart tracks is exclusively industrial, not a neighborhood. This guy is mourning a parking lot.

I suspect that the A’s recognize they would do better in a smaller (full) stadium.

Good grief, the coliseum is an industrial site surrounded by other industrial sites. No one lives west of the Bart tracks either north or south. You’re glorifying a parking lot, no one is being gentrified out of there, even assuming someone is dumb enough to build condos there.

Dude, it’s not like they are moving to Walnut Creek, calm down.

No, they definitely assessed it. You can tell, because the luxury boxes are all on the shady side. “Let them eat melanoma.”

You can go ahead and add Brian Wilson to 2010.

not every blogger...

Lot’s of well aging takes here.

IRL, I’ve been predicting a OJ/Caitlyn Jenner reality show/marriage. Just thought I’d put that down here in writing here.

Yes. Agreed. But those shoes are pretty whack.

...using his twitter feed.

helmets are the biggest deterrent to people biking to work and biking more. Fuck them, you’ll probably be fine.

The other antelopes really need to tone down their rhetoric.

“I’ll take his!”

That’s sort of his point.

Another reason for caddies: Steve Williams would have told that bear to shove that sandwich up his black asshole.

“Another closely related sports mantra is that” a playoff series does not really begin until a road team wins, so let’s pause the bored hipster is bored hot take for a few more days.

Man, his mug shot is worse than Tiger’s.