
pay a bill... or pass a bill.

The rest of the family, with forgotten brother donnie

My grandfather tried this at the old folks home, but it was a meatball sub instead.

jesus christ, no shortage of underworked lawyers to explain stuff around here, huh?

That would be great! instant impeachment.

He was good too, always kept his slider back and to the left.

I don’t think that’s true. Didn’t I hear somewhere that Lee Harvey Oswalt played tight end for the Cowboys back in ‘61?

His “study”? Love how he puts books on his bed to pretend it’s a table and that he has a “study” to skype from, instead of analyzing world events from his bedroom. Kid put the lie to that one, too.

Man, Jerry Jones is just such a good guy looking out for Tony Romo like that. I suppose that Deadspin will now stop mocking him for his odd plastic face/being a billionaire asshole/hiring unconvicted felons/skeevily groping women/hanging out with Chris Christie now?

beef tripas

I have an iphone because they got read of gchat feature where you could text right from gmail. Im sure there is some complicated workaround, but fuck that.

you need to find a new bar.

That was an oddly fascinating read.

I expressed no views on wine and beer, and partake in both. Similarly, I acknowledged the G&T, the least sweet of the highballs, in the proper setting. 

Cut #9 immediately. Bad first step.

I guess sometimes the carrier pigeons carrying vital information from the coasts get shot by rednecks enroute.

fuck Trump voters.

you live in a red state or county?

not only dickish, they are wrong. a lot of really good whiskey is barrel strength and you need a touch of water or ice to tease out the aromas and flavor. Drinking 110 proof is with exception, dumb. even if its not strong proof, most aficionados (i am not) are fine with a cube or two.