
Anyone who orders a vodka martini is already a jagweed anyway. Give them a juniper flavored vodka martini.

Firm believer in the Devoto school: There are only two cocktails you need to know: A slug of whiskey and a Martini. The rest are flim flammery and sugary concoctions designed to make bartenders feel creative and sell useless product.

When you order a martini without specifying gin or vodka, you get a vodka martini? Where do you drink, Applebee’s?

Well that settles it. Big Marijuana is the leaker.

They should have traded him for Demarcus Cousins when they had a chance. Would save money using the same jersey

+1. ungrey this person

+1. ungrey this person

there are roomy jeans that don’t look like you’re going to a rave in 1993. 541's for example.

there are roomy jeans that don’t look like you’re going to a rave in 1993. 541's for example.

moving from 569 to 541 is like moving from buttfuck appalachia to a place where everyone wants to fuck you.

moving from 569 to 541 is like moving from buttfuck appalachia to a place where everyone wants to fuck you.

541 and its bullshit it didnt make the list.

541 and its bullshit it didnt make the list.

Gru’s a sounders ultra, what do you know...

Uhh, paid protestors?

Warriors going to be thin now with this and Draymond’s hyperextended mouth.



“Wrong hole dummies”

easy milo.

Well, that seems to be the zeitgeist right now:

There was a much dumber way to kill the clock two days ago.

That poor behavior really took a negative toll on the team, holding them to below 51 points in the third quarter. So selfish.

Shoelaces are okay, I guess, if you’re just playing around. But if you’re serious about fit under pressure...

Need them for the Select Committee looking into Russia’s involvement in the election.