
Does not calling the deplorable count as an action?

Maybe not lip service, but maybe not calling them deplorable?

Well if you look at the vote tallies for this election, it certainly isn’t one person one vote, now is it?

Do you right for the National Review as well as commenting here?

^^That’s how elites lose elections right there^^

And I, for one, think these rural and exurban morons are getting just what they deserve. And I hope the progressive movement moves on without them and gleefully throws them under the bus.

Can you imagine being a brain surgeon with no training? Scrub up, Donnie, we’re going in.

I sent Ruth Bader Ginsburg some vitamins and really dialed in my Martini ratios.

Trump’s persona with the ideas of Pence is the worst case scenario. Scary. That should be an easy win in 4 years though.

Without prohibitively raising prices on the poor and middle class who are already stretched thin? I have no fucking idea, but hopefully Corey Booker or Elizabeth Warren are on the case.

Keep blaming these people for being dolts for not seeing all the wonderful things Hillary was going to do for them. They aren’t so stupid to not know its the elites exactly like her that have been pushing their jobs overseas for decades while feasting on the rewards of globalization.

a “system designed to keep you on your feet and on the straight and narrow while you retrain and look for other employment.”

So basically the Dem answer is live on government charity and disability fraud, move to the City, or die. Can’t imagine why they voted for Trump. (Again, I’m not saying Trump has any viable answers, but can’t blame them for looking elsewhere, especially when it’s obvious the coasts look at them with disdain.)

I was referring to the business setting. I would amend your rule to add that your rule doesn’t apply to business or more formal occasions (like meeting the president when you are president elect. If Trump shoes up in RGIII socks to the WH, its not okay, stock market crashes and congress calls for an investigation. He

I am simply trying to lay a best case scenario out to tamp out the rage. My point is there is at least a potential that he won’t just be a trickle down shitheel.

I would love a citation for this rule.

A business man’s socks match his pants. A gentleman’s socks match his mood.


grey socks, darker than the pant is correct. Black is fine, though, cause its really just the darkest grey.

In all fairness, this will be (rightly) the most openly hostile media ever covering a President, so maybe paranoia isn’t the exact right word.