
I read somewhere he doesn’t like bespoke suits because it takes too long and is too expensive (a reasonable take) and when you have a body shaped like a sack of potatoes, off the rack will never look good. His tie knots are horrendous.

Probably. But it is my wishful thinking that is keeping me from major depression.

Do you have the greatest monitor in the world? Can you really tell if he is wearing navy or black socks? Sometimes I need a cup of coffee in the morning to tell the difference on my own feet. At least he’s not wearing brown loafers like junior.

He looks small, like he’s already being crushed by the seriousness of it all.

My coping mechanism so far: The “forgotten man” line in his acceptance speech was oddly powerful. He was elected by the working class. If you travel outside of your whole food serviced areas, most of their small town and cities that aren’t near ski areas or aren’t close enough to urban areas to become bedroom

That’s good to hear. To bad green energy and the environment got about 2 minutes of talk time this election cycle. How many of your employees didn’t go to college if you don’t mind me asking? How much if the industry relies on subsidies?

Globalism cannot be stopped. Robot workers cannot be stopped. They saw everyone else having a good time, and then looked around their empty small town and oxy addicted youth and declining life span compared to even poorer minorities, and said “FUck THIS. Lets Try this Asshole TRUMP. That will show them.” As far as a

They are not dumb. I never said they were. They want to throw a bomb at the elites and they accomplished that. Taking us down with them.

California and New York State have both put forth ambitious climate plans, offering a roadmap for states around the country.

With an attitude like that, it’s a good thing they will never meet at the White House.

But they have to watch gays get married. Feel their pain.

Except Trump has no plan to help them hold their communities together. He’s a literal fuck you vote with no plan that is workable. A trade war? He’s a bad solution to a bad problem.

I think Trump exploited white identity politics at a time when they are in severe economic pain. Perfect storm that that the Dems brought on themselves.

Do you mean “renegotiating trade deals” as a serious solution? Trade wars will bring jobs back to Ohio? the fuck outta here. They are dissatisfied and voted for trump to say FUCK YOU to the elites. They know there is no solution:

How is someone going to respond to a poll to show racism, exactly? “Why did you vote for Trump?” “Because I hate brown people, duh and want to stick it to BLM.” no wonder its last.

So all of those trump voters were outraged by the racist, sexist xenophobic behavior he exhibited, but nevertheless voted for him anyway?

because I talk to my dad and his friends.

“well what do you think would happen?” Maybe thats what the elites should be asking themselves when the engage in several decades of enriching themselves at the working class’s expense.

fair enough.

Establishment Right offers them cheap goods from China.