
Sorry, but that’s just not correct, and you will be hard pressed to find any authority other than your own sense of style that will agree with you. It looks sloppy and incongruent (despite what wall street douches who wear Gucci loafers and powers suits [at least they are black gucci] think). I will give a pass to DC

The correct answer is actually burgundy (merlot, color #8, cordovan, etc...). Looks great with navy suit. (that GQ post is correct in IMHO (dark brown, no light brown or tan.)

They need to be much darker brown, and with laces.

Loafers with a suit is an even a bigger problem. (Brown shoes in blue suit can be fine, but you have to put in a lot more thought into it than light brown loafers with a bold pinstripe power suit.)

How long have you been watching the Cowboys? Their late season woes are not because of a lack of offense. That is just a fact.

I didn’t know he played defense and special teams!

not a good enough job blurring the photo, his name is obviously Brady Dildo.

Romo derangement syndrome.

Agreed on all accounts. It’s not a great stat and the Cowboys are not crazy to consider Romo.

I don’t really get the “he’s injury prone” rationale. The problem seems to solve itself if he gets injured again, no? Fair enough if you say Romo never one anything in the postseason. Neither has Prescott, and neither of them has played in the playoffs with a defense and O line as decent looking as this year’s.

Career Passer Rating Top 10:

I mean, isn’t that just perfect?

What, wait, did they outlaw cocaine in Chicago or something?

Absent an hvlp, wiping varnish is perfect for me. Waterlox to be specific.

If you want both ease of application and adequate protection, and not have to worry about brush strokes, use a wiping varnish. thin your varnish of choice ( I prefer alkyd varnish) by 50% or so with mineral spirits, wipe on a thin coat (very thin, like the liquid left behind after you wipe a table down at McDonalds)

I mean, if he had access to Trump campaign manager’s account, wouldn’t you want to see all of those forwarded email chains containing wild conspiracy theories about Hillary being a communist lesbian devil worshiper? I mean I guess I already have all those from my drunk retired uncle in Florida (“As seen on Snopes!”),

If the wikileaks email prove anything, its that she’s a politician and is very susceptible to the direction that the wind blows. So her position on any given issue will be different from the orthodoxy of a party. So she can be a pro-choice neocon, and a wall street funded-single payer all at the same time.

The problem I am having is that I have to return my phone to Verizon, and they are out of stock of my preferred replacement, an iphone 7 plus till late november.