
The amazon model, and pretty much all the tech companies model is to run something at a loss until you achieve market dominance, then start squeezing all the third parties who now rely on their monopoly to make a living for everything they can. Amazon web services paid for their loss leader delivery service until they

They have been around for over 5 decades

I don’t even turn my video on for work meetings. No one wants to do these things.

I’m not really into bullying, but people should absolutely be bullied for wearing this.

As someone with a boss who was trying to push us to do nft work for the company in our spare time, I can sympathize. I would love to make fun of the guy that has fallen for every tech scam in the last 20 years to his face, but I need a job, so I keep quiet.

The problem is that those games don’t really have quality content, its just copying and pasting the same quest types over with a few variables rotated around and if you’re lucky a few lines of unimaginative unique dialog at the start and end of the quest. You can show some discipline and force yourself through the


I mean, the fact that they had the Pinkertons on call that quickly will guarantee I’ll never purchase another one of their products. Considering recent stuff, I was already considering not, but this just makes it the easiest choice. There is only one type of person that hires Pinkertons in 2023, villains.

Probably because the scenes weren’t lit to have these features active. The same thing pixel art games went through with scanlines. Some games look pretty great without scanlines, but its a crapshoot and usually games looked better with them, since that’s how the artists designed them to be viewed. These cards are so

This is nonsense. Less than 1 percent of sexual assault cases are referred to a prosecutor by police in the US, and they have a much lower conviction rate than other violent crimes in part due to comic levels of police incompetence. Why would women feel comfortable going to police, who have 4x the national average

As a creative that’s moved into programming for my job, its hilarious to see people fall for this shit. Even half of the programmers have bought into this nonsense. Not to say what is being done is useless or something, but the “AI” industry is full of buzz marketing terms that have culminated in this largely successfu

I mean both games gave you a very explicit, “This is the point of no return, go do your side quests” messages. I definitely feel urgency in the story telling of the Witcher and sometimes I feel like it convinced me to plow ahead with the main quest, but both these games will catch you before its too late. I actually

After a string of super suss behavior I’m starting to wonder if CWA is an op. When they threw their own members under the bus because they signed some crazy “no criticism of microsoft” allowed agreement it made me wonder if Microsoft is happy to allow ABK members unionize with CWA because they’ve domesticated the

No, they shouldn’t, which is why they shouldn’t pay their shareholders, who are rent seeking do nothings that think they deserve to be paid for having money. The idea that people in the game industry are not working is laughable, considering the all pervasive problems the industry has with crunch. Its actually a

When questioned in congress if they expected these tactics to lower the cost of food they said no, so doesn’t seem like they’re too confident that it will fix inflation, but at least we’ll still get a recession.

If the US had privacy standards it wouldn’t be an issue. Unfortunately that would mean make it more difficult for companies and our government to keep doing what you’re accusing China and Tik Tok of doing, so it’s definitely not going to happen.

Not really, because porn is a placation of a sex fantasy, the people watching mostly would rather be having sex than watching it. The same isn’t true for video games. Most people who play a violent videogame have no fantasy to experience that in real life. One is substituting an end desire with something else, the

Same with Sony controllers, considering the chance of drift with their cheap components means you’ll likely have to buy about 6 of them in the generation. Awesome of them to load the thing with expensive tech and then use F tier components that have a 50% fail rate in the first year that will make the controller near

Same with Sony controllers, considering the chance of drift with their cheap components means you’ll likely have to

Lina Khan is the first chairperson of the FTC in my life with any interest of enforcing anti-trust laws. So yeah, it seems arbitrary when you’ve been through 40+ years of the FTC basically encouraging monopolies, and then someone actually does their job.

microsoft doesn’t really compete with nintendo. I’ve said it a ton of times, but they really only have to crush sony to have a monopoly on the high end console market. Nintendo is always a generation and a half behind, and no one who is into the game from the studios that they are buying are going to be able to play