
It seems the gist of your argument comes down saying you shouldn’t be able to say bad things about a system you have no choice but to participate in, because they benefit from it in some way. This seems like a pretty bad argument to me. This is just the “And yet you participate in society, I’m am very smart” meme

Poor people don’t really go to the bar or to concerts. I grew up poor and I went to 2 concerts before I got a job out of college, and they were both less than $15 at the door. I probably went to the bar a few times in college and just got a single drink and nursed it all night and I honestly couldn’t really afford

They won’t. The union that Activision employees are seeking to join (CWA) is employer compromised. They have literally bargained away to right to say negative things about Microsoft, in return for not opposing bringing Activision employees into a union (google about how the union’s affiliate had to censor their own

Did they fix the drift issues? Also, what are the quality guarantees from the company that raised the prices of their controllers and I’ve had a 100% fail rate on the last 6 controllers I purchased from them? Its honestly amazing that every ps3 controller I have still works fine but everything after that has been

Probably left because CDPR pays their workers shit. Reminds me of the animator on Witcher 3 who revealed her salary and when I looked it up, she was making less hourly than a mcdonalds worker in the same town. People are probably leaving because CDPR doesn’t pay a living wage and they don’t want to live with 4

I mean $100 isn’t enough for one complete master/legend, not sure what exactly that means, but it seems more like this is macro transactions.

I grabbed the ps4 version of this for $30 a while back (it’s 10 dollars cheaper and the ps5 upgrade is free). One incredibly annoying thing about ps5 upgrades is that the ps4 game sticks around and is moved to the front of the stack when you have the disc in. Because you need the disk to play the ps5 version it is

I grabbed the ps4 version of this for $30 a while back (it’s 10 dollars cheaper and the ps5 upgrade is free). One

The real grind is that you need to go online and spend hours researching stuff if you want to play it free and not have every enemy become a damage sponge. The game really doesn’t give you a good DPS character and if your idea of fun isn’t becoming a phd in genshin’s convoluted systems then it will most likely become

I would hope so. I know everyone was talking about the glitches, but the game was one of the steepest quality drops in story telling for a studio. Most of the missions were just so boring I didn’t feel engaged.

I’ll also add that resources are time gated and if your not into researching all the convoluted systems of the game to maximize the flow of those resources then you are leaving it up to rng that you pull a decent dps character or the game becomes completely miserable by the time you get to the 3rd region. The

It came out in that weird time where The Witcher hadn’t raised the bar for side quest story telling, and the criticisms of the ubisoft way of overusing the same side quest type time over and over hadn’t found its purchase. The cities being squished down in full of content on both arkham and second son were the result

Second Son was by far better than the rest of the Infamous titles though. Sure, it was a launch window, and that hurt it, but I can’t think of a single aspect of infamous 1 or 2 that I liked better than Second Son. Sure, it was still a ubisoft style map game, and came out long enough ago that it would be mediocre today

The US isn’t a democracy. In the senate a vote in california is worth like 1/68th of what a vote is worth in idaho. In the house the states gerrymander districts so that their opponents win theirs 70-80% of the vote, while they win far more districts by a still comfortable manufactured 5-10% lead. The supreme court is

Pros: You feel like you’re on the bridge (if you have VR). If you get paired up with people that are 12 year olds, have terrible mics etc, you can make you’re own fun.

It didn’t though. Zelda had huge issues. Combat was ho hum, difficulty scaling was non-existant, story was pretty much non-existant. Actually horizon beats in in pretty much everything but exploration.

Heather, go on Chapo!