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Plus he has a 40 mile commute and Xterra’s aren’t known for being frugal. A 23k Nissan that feels like it is from 2005 is not the right answer. He needs a semblance of fuel economy, a good back seat, and some sort of fun factor. The VW Alltrack fits those categories well and is only barely out of his budget new

They are a not horrible CUV that gets the job done and isn’t boring. Personally I think he should buy a used Ridgeline and get a JDM import as a second car. If he just wants one car maybe a VW Alltrack would be better. 

Didn’t notice the 4x package but does it really add that much value in resale? Given the length of their commute they don’t need such a thirsty vehicle anyways. A lightly used VW Alltrack would do everything they want it to do and more while being 6 years newer and cost less. It simply doesn’t make sense to buy a

An Xterra is a good choice, but not that one. The dealer want 24k for it. I wouldn’t pay half that, but then again I’m very much not the target audience. I don’t understand why you would pay more than plenty of brand new cars for a 6 year old truck that feels like 2005 inside.

I saw Tom’s suggestion and thought, “I don’t think I’d pay 10k for an Xterra even with low miles but it will be dependable and leave room for a JDM import. Then, I saw they wanted over 20k for it. I would pay maybe 7k if I wasn’t thinking clearly.

This is the correct choice. AWD optional big family wagon that won’t let you down, well probably, since it is Ford we are talking about.

I saw Tom’s suggestion and thought, “I don’t think I’d pay 10k for an Xterra even with low miles but it will be dependable and leave room for a JDM import. Then, I saw they wanted over 20k for it. I would pay maybe 7k if I wasn’t thinking clearly.

I would have loved to see Matra develop a Previa style minivan.

Jason, a Ford Transit Connect "ST" inspired KITT would be way cooler than a Pacifica. 

Stellantis Sitnallets

Isuzu Uzusi! Yas!

Hillman Namllih!

Yugo Oguy!

Oh, the Mitsubishi Ihsibustim is entirely nonsense.

How about the Pontiac caitnop? It’s like catnip for car enthusiasts!

Same idea. 

To be fair, black VW Jettas are still almost entirely driven by attractive sorority girls.

And we'll make the beavers pay for it! Wait, no, they're broke. Who else can pay for it?

I would argue that a Ford Transit Connect with available ST trim would be a far superior family car and also expand the van market to something more modern. 

Ah, the origin of this had been bugging me a little bit.